Hello, my name is Jennifer Nguyen! Nice to meet you all!


I’m currently enrolled for Information Technology at York University! I chose this major because I quite like the programming aspect. However, there are still a lot of things I haven’t discovered about myself. I’m looking forward to see what else I dive into in the future!


I am very hardworking and creative! When I learn things whether it is in school or a job, I like to find my own little way to accomplish those tasks by incorporating what I learned from my teachers or bosses and using my own knowledge!


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This is a picture of one of my favourite paintings. I’m not a painter by all means but I love art and I love pushing myself artistically. I admire all types of art whether it is paintings, drawings, dancing, photography, tattoos, anything and everything!

Repair Experience

I recently fixed my Nintendo Switch’s joystick drift. It was a pain but I managed to do it from few forums and videos I’ve looked up.


Back in high school, I was involved in so many things! I won athlete awards, student letters and a Master program graduate award!


I’m not involved with any group or membership sadly, despite how many I was back in high school. I’ve been a bit too busy juggling life to join one but one day I hope too!


I love to play badminton but I haven’t been able to play in a long time since the pandemic hit. I also love watching shows, movies and anime! Sadly, my friends are very diverse so I’m not able to chit chat about the animes that I watch, so I hope I make new buddies that do watch them!

How Does This Project Relate to You?

This project will personally benefit me by helping me understand more about proposals! I actually have not done proposals before and I’m excited to learn for future projects!

Fun Facts

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I love reading books and manga! I also have a very satire humour which was primarily developed from growing up with boys. I am absolutely in love with huge dogs like Alaskan Malamutes and one day, I dream of having one.

Hope you got to know me a little bit!