I am not a C programmer, so I am not that familiar with C-string, but now I have to use a C library, so here is a shortened version of my code to demonstrate my problem:

char** ReadLineImpl::my_completion () {
    char* matches[1];
    matches[0] = "add";

    return matches;

I am getting this warning:

Warning - address of stack memory associated with local variable 'matches' returned

And my program does not seem to work properly (might be because of the above mentioned warning).

What does the warning imply? And will it cause any problems?

Peter Mortensen
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    You're returning the address to the first character pointer which is allocated on stack and which ceases to exist after you exit the function. – Uchia Itachi Aug 04 '13 at 08:27
  • Possible duplicate: *[C++ Returning reference to local variable](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643713/c-returning-reference-to-local-variable)* – Peter Mortensen Oct 22 '22 at 05:00

4 Answers4


Variable char* matches[1]; is declared on the stack, and it will be automatically released when the current block goes out of scope.

This means when you return matches, memory reserved for matches will be freed, and your pointer will point to something that you don't want to.

You can solve this in many ways, and some of them are:

  1. Declare matches[1] as static: static char* matches[1]; - this will allocate space for matches in the static space and not on the stack (this may bite you if you use it inappropriately, as all instances of the my_completion function will share the same matches variable).

  2. Allocate space in the caller function, and pass it to the my_completion function: my_completion(matches):

    char* matches[1];
    matches = my_completion(matches);
    // ...
    char** ReadLineImpl::my_completion (char** matches) {
         matches[0] = "add";
         return matches;
  3. Allocate space in the called function on the heap (using malloc, calloc, and friends) and pass the ownership to the caller function, which will have to deallocate this space when not needed any more (using free).

Peter Mortensen
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Nemanja Boric
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When you return the matches array, you are returning the address of the first element. This is stored on the stack inside my_completion.

Once you return from my_completion that memory is reclaimed and will (most likely) eventually be reused for something else, overwriting the values stored in matches - and yes, that may well be why your application doesn't work - if it isn't right now, it probably will be once you have fixed some other problems, or changed it a bit, or something else, because this is not one of those little warnings that you can safely ignore.

You can fix this in a few different ways. The most obvious is to simply use std::vector<char *> [or better yet std::vector<std::string>] instead:

std::vector<std::string> ReadLineImpl::my_completion ()
    std::vector<std::string> strings;
    return strings;

So, if the library requires a char ** as per the readline interface, then use this:

char** ReadLineImpl::my_completion ()
    char **matches = static_cast<char **>malloc(1 * sizeof(char *));
    matches[1] = "add";
    return matches;

Problem solved!

Peter Mortensen
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Mats Petersson
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  • I would use a vector as a c++ programmer but the library demands char**, so then I have to convert to char**. – khajvah Aug 04 '13 at 08:32
  • So, assuming you are using the `readline` interface, then you MUST allocate the memory with malloc, as `readline` frees it later. I will edit. – Mats Petersson Aug 04 '13 at 08:46
  • Good, just one thing, I had to use (char**)malloc(1 * sizeof(char *)) but thanks, your answer is better, though I am not gonna change – khajvah Aug 04 '13 at 08:54

Use the heap instead of the stack

It's better to allocate memory on the heap for this case by using:

int* someDataForParams(void *_params) {

    // ...

    int* charCounts = (int*) calloc(96, sizeof(char*));

    // ...

    return charCounts;

96 is just a string length (just a magic number).

Peter Mortensen
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Mike Glukhov
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There are two solutions:

The first one is to declare the variable as a static variable with the keyword static.

And the second solution is to use dynamic allocation with malloc or calloc.

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