Questions tagged [handlebars.js]

Handlebars is a templating library for JavaScript.

Handlebars is a template library that is, more or less, based on . Handlebars uses Mustache template syntax to render templates but it also adds these features compared to Mustache:

  • Handlebars templates are compiled
  • Handlebars adds #if, #unless, #with, and #each
  • Handlebars supports custom helpers
  • Handlebars supports paths
  • Allows use of {{this}} in blocks (which outputs the current item's string value)
  • Handlebars.SafeString() (and maybe some other methods)
  • Handlebars is 2 to 7 times faster

However Mustache supports inverted sections (i.e. if !x ...) that are not used in Handlebars

Handlebars is used in as a Templating engine, Ember.js add some additionnal builtin helpers to the vanilla Handlebars.js. can also use handlebars when installed with the hbs option : --hbs

Resources :

7662 questions
29 answers

Logical operator in a handlebars.js {{#if}} conditional

Is there a way in handlebars JS to incorporate logical operators into the standard handlebars.js conditional operator? Something like this: {{#if section1 || section2}} .. content {{/if}} I know I could write my own helper, but first I'd like to…
Mike Robinson
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9 answers

What are the differences between Mustache.js and Handlebars.js?

Major differences I've seen are: Handlebars adds #if, #unless, #with, and #each Handlebars adds helpers Handlebars templates are compiled (Mustache can be too) Handlebars supports paths Allows use of {{this}} in blocks (which outputs the current…
Chad Johnson
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9 answers

How do I access an access array item by index in handlebars?

I am trying to specify the index of an item in an array within a handlebars template: { people: [ {"name":"Yehuda Katz"}, {"name":"Luke"}, {"name":"Naomi"} ] } using this:
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9 answers

How to get index in Handlebars each helper?

I'm using Handlebars for templating in my project. Is there a way to get the index of the current iteration of an "each" helper in Handlebars? {{#each item}}
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8 answers

Handlebars.js Else If

I'm using Handlebars.js for client side view rendering. If Else works great but I've encountered a 3 way conditional that requires ELSE IF: This doesn't work: {{#if FriendStatus.IsFriend }}
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5 answers

Access properties of the parent with a Handlebars 'each' loop

Consider the following simplified data: var viewData = { itemSize: 20, items: [ 'Zimbabwe', 'dog', 'falafel' ] }; And a Handlebars template: {{#each items}}
Drew Noakes
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8 answers

Is there a built-in way to loop through the properties of an object?

Is there a Mustache / Handlebars way of looping through an object properties? So with var o = { bob : 'For sure', roger: 'Unknown', donkey: 'What an ass' } Can I then do something in the template engine that would be equivalent to for(var…
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4 answers

Access a variable outside the scope of a Handlebars.js each loop

I have a handlebars.js template, just like this: {{externalValue}} And this is the generated…
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6 answers

How to implement not with if statement in Ember Handlebars?

I have a statement like this: {{#if IsValid}} I want to know how I can use a negative if statement that would look like that: {{#if not IsValid}}
Kapil Garg
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3 answers

Insert html in a handlebar template without escaping

Is there a way to insert a string with html tags into a handlebars template without getting the tags escaped in the outcoming string? template.js:


use the template HBS.template({content: "test 123"}) actual outcome:…
Andreas Köberle
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8 answers

Passing variables through handlebars partial

I'm currently dealing with handlebars.js in an express.js application. To keep things modular, I split all my templates in partials. My problem: I couldn't find a way to pass variables through an partial invocation. Let's say I have a partial which…
Pascal Precht
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6 answers

How to use comments in Handlebar templates?

I am using Handlebar.js as my templating engine. Now I want to comment out some of the blocks in my handlebar templates. But then I realized that Handlebar doesn't ignore the expressions inside the Handlebar comment block. Any workaround for this?
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3 answers

Views vs Components in Ember.js

I am learning ember.js, and I am trying to understand the difference between a view and a component. I see both as a way of making reusable components. From Ember's website on views: Views in Ember.js are typically only created for the following…
Bradley Trager
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5 answers

handlerbars.js check if list is empty

Is there a way in Handlebars.js templating to check if the collection or list is null or empty, before going and iterating through the list/collection? // if list is empty do some rendering ... otherwise do the normal {{#list…
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6 answers

How to iterate over array of objects in Handlebars?

This might seem a silly question but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. I'm hitting this Web API that returns an array of objects in JSON format: Handlebars docs shows the following example:
    {{#each people}} …
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