The shortlisted nominees for the 2017 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit were announced on October 4, 2017,[1] and the winners were announced on November 1.[2]


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction Blue ribbon Joel Thomas Hynes, We'll All Be Burnt in Our Beds Some Night[2]
Non-fiction Blue ribbon Graeme Wood, The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State[2]
  • Sharon Butala, Where I Live Now: A Journey through Love and Loss to Healing and Hope
  • Sarah de Leeuw, Where It Hurts
  • Elaine Dewar, The Handover: How Bigwigs and Bureaucrats Transferred Canada's Best Publisher and the Best Part of our Literary Heritage to a Foreign Multinational
  • Carol Off, All We Leave Behind: A Reporter's Journey into the Lives of Others
Poetry Blue ribbon Richard Harrison, On Not Losing My Father's Ashes in the Flood[2]
Drama Blue ribbon Hiro Kanagawa, Indian Arm[2]
Children's literature Blue ribbon Cherie Dimaline, The Marrow Thieves[2]
Children's illustration Blue ribbon David Robertson and Julie Flett, When We Were Alone[2]
French to English translation Blue ribbon Oana Avasilichioaei, Readopolis (Bertrand Laverdure, Lectodôme)[2]


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction Blue ribbon Christian Guay-Poliquin, Le Poids de la neige[3]
Non-fiction Blue ribbon Serge Bouchard, Les Yeux tristes de mon camion[3]
  • Benoît Côté, Propositions de clarté
  • Daniel Grenier, La solitude de l'écrivain de fond
  • Nicolas Lévesque, Je sais trop bien ne pas exister
  • Ouanessa Younsi, Soigner, aimer
Poetry Blue ribbon Louise Dupré, La Main hantée[3]
Drama Blue ribbon Sébastien David, Dimanche napalm[3]
  • Nathalie Boisvert, Antigone au printemps
  • Emma Haché, Exercice de l'oubli
  • Suzanne Lebeau, Trois petites sœurs
  • Kevin McCoy, Norge
Children's literature Blue ribbon Véronique Drouin, L'importance de Mathilde Poisson[3]
  • Annie Bacon, Chroniques post-apocalyptiques d'une enfant sage
  • Jocelyn Boisvert, Les Moustiques
  • Roxane Desjardins, Moi qui marche à tâtons dans ma jeunesse noire
  • K. Lambert, L'élixir du baron Von Rezine
Children's illustration Blue ribbon Jacques Goldstyn, Azadah[3]
English to French translation Blue ribbon Daniel Poliquin, Un barbare en Chine nouvelle (Alexandre Trudeau, Barbarian Lost: Travels in the New China)[3]


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