Inpumon'in no Tayū in the Ogura Hyakunin isshu.

The Attendant to Empress Inpu (殷富門院大輔, Inpu-mon'in no Tayū, 1130-1200) was a Japanese noblewoman and waka poet in the Heian period.

Her work appears in a large number of imperial poetry collections, including Shingoshūi Wakashū, Senzai Wakashū, Shokugosen Wakashū, Gyokuyō Wakashū, Shinsenzai Wakashū, Shinchokusen Wakashū, and others.

She was the daughter of Fujiwara no Nobunari.[1]


One of her poems is included in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu:


misebaya na Ojima no ama no sode dani mo
nure ni zo nureshi iro wa kawarazu

(Senzai Wakashū 14:886)


  1. "Inpumon'in no Tayū • . A History . . of Japan . 日本歴史". . A History . . of Japan . 日本歴史. Retrieved 2023-03-29.

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