This is a list of rivers of Quebec. Quebec has about:

  • one million lakes of which 62279 have a toponymic designation (a name), plus 218 artificial lakes;
  • 15228 watercourses with an official toponymic designation, including 12094 streams and 3134 rivers.[1]

Quebec has 2% of all fresh water on the planet.[2]

James Bay watershed

James Bay

Rivers flowing into James Bay, listed from south to north

Tributaries of La Grande River
  • La Grande River (Grand River)
    • Chisasipis River
    • Utahunanis River
    • Kapisichikamastikw River (via LG3 Reservoir)
    • Kanaaupscow River (via LG3 Reservoir)
    • Patukamistikw River (via LG3 reservoir)
    • Griault River (via LG3 reservoir)
    • Kaminahikuschitin Creek
    • Sakustin River
    • Achazi River (via Robert-Bourassa Reservoir)
    • Wapusukatinastikw River
    • La Forge River (via reservoir LG4)
    • Nichicun River (via Nichicun Lake)
    • Sakami River
      • Salomon River
      • Gatinée River
      • Meechishgosheesh River
      • Bulgare River
      • Maugé River
    • La Salle River (La Grande River tributary)
    • Anasakasich River
    • Asatawasach River
    • Pontois River
      • De la Corvette River
    • Kanaaupscow River
      • Chauvreulx River
    • Aigle River (La Grande River tributary) (via Misèle Lake)
  • Aquatuc River
  • Truite River
  • Mouton River
  • Caillet River
  • Castor River (Beaver River)
    • Castor River East
  • Maquatua River
  • Sabascunica River
    • Clergue River
  • Poplar River
  • Vieux Comptoir River (English: Old Factory River)
  • Conn River
  • Eastmain River
    • Pêche River (Eastmain)
    • Opinaca River
      • Giard River
        • Kawasayakamikastikw River
      • Gipouloux River
      • Little Opinaca River
    • Wabamisk River
    • Eau Claire River
    • Ross River (Eastmain River)
    • Cauouatstacau River
    • Misask River
    • Grand Portage Creek
    • Léran Creek (via Hecla Lake)
    • Des Quatre-Temps River (via Bréhat Lake)
    • Saffray River
    • Tichégami River
      • Mémeshquasati River
    • Déry River
    • Nicolas River
    • Acotago River
    • Wabistane River
    • Causabiscau River
    • Miskimatao River
    • Eau Froide River
  • Mouton River
  • Octave River (Rupert Bay)
  • Jolicoeur River
    • Jolicoeur River North-East
  • Moquet River
  • À la Truite River (Rupert Bay)
  • Pontax River
    • Kaupiyeumuchaushich River
    • Enistuwach River
    • Tetapishu River
    • Wachiskw River
    • Machisakahikanistikw River
Tributaries of Rupert River
  • Rupert River
    • Rivière Jolliet
    • Nemiscau River
    • Lemare River
    • Natastan River
    • Shipastouk River
    • Wabissinane River
    • Mistassini Lake
      • Pepeshquasati River
        • Holton Creek (Pépeshquasati River)
        • Neilson River (Pépeshquasati River)
      • Takwa River
        • Chéno River
        • Kapaquatche River
        • Toco River
        • Cinq Outardes River
        • Albanel Lake
          • Témiscamie River
            • Témis River
              • Misca River (Témis River tributary)
            • Camie River
            • Témiscamie River East
            • Kaawiiskwamekwaachiuch River (via "Indicateur Lake")
              • Atihkaameukw River
            • Perdue River (Témiscamie River)
            • Tournemine River (Témiscamie River)
            • Métawishish River (old name: "Sépanakosipi River")
          • À la Perche River (Mistassini Lake) (via "De l'Esker Bay")
      • Waconichi River (via Du Poste Bay)
      • Pipounichouane River (via "Des Plongeurs Bay")
    • De Maurès River
      • Saint-Urcisse River
    • Marte River
Tributaries of Broadback River
Tributaries of Nottaway River
Tributaries of Waswanipi River

(which empties in Nottaway River via Matagami Lake)

Tributaries of Bell River
West bank (from the mouth)
  • Bell River
    • Indiens River (Bell River tributary) (rivière des Indiens)
    • Esturgeon River (rivière de l'Esturgeon)
    • Kâwâcebîyak River
      • Daniel River (Kâwâcebîyak River)
    • Western Channel (Bell River tributary)
      • Miskomin River
      • Bigniba River
      • Kâhokikak River
    • Laflamme River
    • Kâk River
    • Laas River
    • Taschereau River (Bell River tributary)
    • Boucane River
    • Des Peupliers River

East bank (from the mouth)

Quebec rivers flowing in Ontario (or tributaries of Ontario rivers)

Main Quebec rivers flowing up to Ontario bank of James Bay, listed from East to West:

  • Little Missisicabi River
  • Missisicabi River
    • Iscouistic River
    • Patrick River (Missisicabi River tributary)
    • Obamsca River
    • Missisicabi River East
    • Missisicabi River West
  • Piscapecassy River

Right bank of Harricana River (from the Mouth)

  • Harricana River
    • Joncas River
      • Des Aulnes River (Joncas River tributary)
    • Samson River
    • Adam River (Harricana River)
    • Coigny River
    • Miniac River
    • Obalski River
      • Obalski River South
    • Chevalier River (Harricana River tributary)
    • Landrienne River
      • Peter Brown River
        • Martel River
    • Baillairgé River
    • La Corne River
    • Laine River
      • Vassan River
    • Fiedmont River
    • Senneville River
      • Courville River

Left bank of Harricana River (from the Mouth)

Tributaries of Moose River (Ontario)

  • Moose River
    • Abitibi River (Ontario)
      • La Reine River (Abitibi Lake) (Quebec and Ontario) (through Abitibi Lake)
        • Chaboillez River (Quebec)
      • Maine River (Abitibi Lake) (through Abitibi Lake)
      • La Sarre River (through Abitibi Lake)
        • Méloizes River (Quebec)
        • Portage River (La Sarre River tributary)
        • South River (La Sarre River tributary)
        • Macamic Lake
          • Macamic River
            • Petite rivière Macamic
          • Bellefeuille River (Macamic Lake)
            • Little Bellefeuille River
          • Loïs River
            • Fréville River
      • Dagenais River (through Abitibi Lake)
        • Palmarolle River
        • Poularies River
      • Cachée River (Abitibi Lake) (throughAbitibi Lake)
      • Duparquet River (through Abitibi Lake)
        • Magusi River (through Duparquet Lake)
        • Kanasuta River (through Duparquet Lake)
          • Dasserat River (through Dasserat Lake)
          • Arnoux River (through Arnoux Lake and Dasserat Lake)
        • Mouilleuse River (through Duparquet Lake)
        • D'Alembert River (through Duparquet Lake)
        • Lanaudière River (through Duparquet Lake)
      • Quebec River (through Abitibi Lake)
      • Mattawasaga River (through Abitibi Lake)

Hudson Bay's tributaries (without James Bay's tributaries)

Main rivers flowing into Hudson Bay, listed from north to south:

  • Frichet River
  • Kovik River
    • Durouvray River
    • Derville River
    • Talluup River
    • Umiruup River
  • Chukotat River
  • Iktotat River
  • Sorehead River
    • Sanirqimatik River
  • Povungnituk River (French: Rivière Puvirnituq)
    • Irsuaq River
    • Little Puvirnituq River
    • Decoumte River
    • Formel River
  • Kogaluc River
  • Polemond River
  • Airlunaaq River
  • Bériau River
  • Mariet River
    • Saputiapiit River
  • Alinotte River
  • Koktac River
    • Aanaakisiuqvik River
  • Nauberakvik River
  • Corneille River
  • Innuksuac River
  • Kongut River
  • Gladel River
  • Qikirtaluup Kuunga River
  • Longland River
  • Nastapoka River
    • Itilliq River
  • Sheldrke River
  • Guillaume-Delisle Lake (named "Richmond Gulf" in the past)
  • Little Whale River (Petite rivière de la Baleine)
    • Boutin River
  • Great Whale River (Grande rivière de la Baleine)
    • Kwakwatanikapistikw River
    • Denys River
    • Coats River
    • Laguerne River
  • Vauquelin River

Hudson Strait watershed

Rivers flowing into Hudson Strait, listed from west to east:

  • Kuugaq River
  • Narrunarluarutaq River
    • Narruniup Kuunga River
  • Naujaat River
  • Appaajuit River
  • Nauyok River
  • Guichaud River
  • Foucault River
    • Nausarisiq River
    • Gatin River
  • Deception River
    • Deception River East
    • Tuttuquaaluk River
  • Jacquere River
  • Wakeham River
  • Latourette River

Ungava Bay watershed

Rivers flowing into Ungava Bay, listed from west to east:

  • Arnaud River
  • Brochant River
  • Lefroy River
  • Saint-Fond River
  • Lac aux Feuilles (Leaves River)
    • Mannic River
    • Buron River
    • Conefroy River
    • Compeau River
    • Deharveng River
      • Sanirqitik River
    • Ungavatuarusik River
    • Bérard River
    • Rivière aux Feuilles (Leaves River)
      • Dufreboy River
      • Kuuguluk River
      • Kuugaapik River
      • Qijuttuuq River
      • Vernot River
      • Nedlouc River
      • Irsuaq River
      • Charpentier River (Carpenter River)
      • Corporon River
      • Péladeau River
      • Cohade River
      • Vizien River
      • Goudalie River
      • Daunais River
  • Koksoak River
    • Mélèzes River
      • Potier River
      • Aigneau River
      • Gué River
        • Delay River
    • Caniapiscau River
      • Bras de Fer River (Iron Arm River)
      • Sable River (Sandy River)
        • Kayakawakamau River
      • Goodwood River
      • Sérigny River
      • Pons River
      • Beurling River
      • Death River (Rivière de la Mort)
      • Chateauguay River
      • Swampy Bay River
      • Situraviup River
      • Forbes River
  • False River
  • Whale River (Rivière à la Baleine)
    • Wheeler River
    • Savalette River
  • Marralik River
  • Qurlutuq River
  • George River
    • Ford River
    • Falcoz River
    • De Pas River
  • Barnoin River
  • Koroc River
  • Baudan River (via Keglo Bay)
  • Baudoncourt River (via Keglo Bay)
  • Abrat River
  • Qyujjuujaq River
  • Bautremont River
  • Sapukkait River (via Alluviaq Fjord)
  • Alluviaq River (via Alluviaq Fjord)
    • West Wind River (Rivière du Vent d'Ouest)
  • Renac River
  • Lepers River
  • Degesne River
  • Baret River

North shore of St. Lawrence River/Gulf of St. Lawrence watershed

Rivers flowing into the St. Lawrence River and Gulf of St. Lawrence, listed in downstream order:

Ottawa Valley (east bank) – upper part

Tributaries of Dozois Reservoir and lower

  • Ottawa River (Rivière des Outaouais)
    • Chochocouane River
      • Canimimiti River
      • Denain River
      • Yser River
      • Gordon River (Chochocouane River tributary)
    • Capitachouane River
      • Chipilly River
      • Masnières River
      • Vimy River
      • Esperey River
    • Camachigama River
      • Bethune River
    • Doré River (Ottawa River tributary)
    • Kâwânatakodjiwâk River
Note: A section of the Ottawa River is named "Kâwânatakodjiwâk River

Tributaries of Decelles Reservoir and lower

  • Ottawa River
    • Barrière River (through Barrière Bay of Lake des Quinze (Témiscamingue))
    • Solitaire River (through Rémigny Lake)
      • Granville River (through Opasatica Lake)
    • Little Roger River
      • Beaudry River
    • Roger River
    • Kinojevis River
      • Thiballier River
      • Beauchastel River
        • Bellecombe River
        • Pressé River (through Montbeillard Lake)
        • Pelletier River (through Beauchastel Lake)
        • La Bruère River
      • Dufault River
        • Duprat River (through Dufault Lake)
      • Dufresnoy River
        • Bassignac River
      • Villemontel River
    • Cadillac River (via Cadillac Lake) and Preissac Lake)
    • Bousquet River (via the lakes Chassignolle and Preissac)
      • Vaudray River
    • La Pause River (via the lakes Fontbonne, Chassignolle and Preissac)
    • Cléricy River
    • Serment River
    • Darlens River
    • Marrias River (Ottawa River tributary)

South shore of Ottawa River

Ottawa Valley (Quebec Watershed) – intermediary section (at the Ontario limit)

Ottawa Valley (Ontario Watershed) – intermediary section (at the Quebec–Ontario limit)

Gatineau River Valley – lower part

Gatineau Valley (west bank)

  • Gatineau River
    • La Pêche River (Gatineau River tributary)
      • La Pêche River South
    • Kazabazua River
    • Brown River (Gatineau River tributary)
    • Picanoc River
      • Blue Sea River
      • Dumont River (Picanoc River tributary)
    • Desert River
      • Aigle River (Desert River tributary) (Eagle River)
      • Hibou River (Aigle River tributary) (rivière du Hibou)
      • Pierreuse River (Desert River tributary)
      • Bras Coupé River
      • Ignace River
      • Tomasine River
    • Gens de Terre River
      • Serpent River
      • Carpe River (Gens de Terre River tributary) (Rivière à la Carpe)
    • Des Seize River
    • Wapus River
      • Lecointre River
    • Cabonga Reservoir
      • Cabonga River
        • Swannee River (Rivière Swannee)
    • Bélinge River
      • Wahoo River
    • Argent River
    • Petawaga River
    • Chouart River
    • Rapids River (Gatineau River tributary) (Rivière des Rapides)

Ottawa Valley (east bank, Quebec) – lower part

Basse-Laurentides – Lac des Deux Montagnes and rivière des Mille Îles

Rive Nord, en ordre de l'Ouest vers l'Est:

North shore of lac des Deux-Montagnes
  • Ottawa River
    • Rivière du Nord
      • Rivière de l'Ouest
        • Dalesville River
        • Rivière de l'Est
      • Rivière Bellefeuille
      • Rivière à Simon
      • Rivière aux Mulets
      • Rivière Noire
      • Rivière Doncaster
      • Rivière Sainte-Marie
      • Rivière Rouge
    • Rivière aux Serpents (Parc national d'Oka)

North shore of Rivière des Mille Îles

Ottawa Valley (south bank)

Haut Saint-Laurent sector (north bank)

North shore of St. Lawrence River

  • Beaudette River
  • Delisle River
  • Rouge River
  • Graisse River

Montreal area

See: List of rivers and water bodies of Montreal Island

Jesus Island (Laval, Quebec)

Note: No rivers on Jesus Island

Island of Montreal

Watershed of l'Assomption River

  • L'Assomption River
    • l'Achigan River
      • Jourdain River
      • Abercromby River
      • Beauport River
      • La Petite Rivière
    • Saint-Esprit River
    • Saint-Georges Brook
    • Ouareau River
    • Noire River
      • Blanche River
      • Leprohon River
      • Crique à David
    • Rivière de la Boule
    • Versailles River
    • Grande rivière Swaggin
      • Petite rivière Swaggin
    • McGee River
    • Lavigne River
    • Ruisseau du Point du Jour

North shore of St Lawrence river – between Repentigny and Trois-Rivières

  • Saint-Jean River
    • Saint-Antoine River
  • Saint-Joseph River
  • Chaloupe River
  • Bayonne River
    • Branche de la rivière Bayonne
    • Berthier River
    • Bonaventure River
  • Chicot River
    • Sainte-Catherine River
  • Cachée River (D'Autray)
  • Bois Blanc River
  • Maskinongé River
    • L'Ormière River
    • Maskinongé Lake
      • Matambin River
      • Mastigouche River
        • Branche à Gauche - Mastigouche River
          • Rivière du Lac Gauthier
        • Mastigouche River North
    • Mandeville River
    • Blanche River (Maskinongé River tributary)
      • Rouge River (Blanche River - Maskinongé River tributary)
  • Rivière du Loup
    • Petite rivière du Loup
    • Saint-Louis River (Du Loup River tributary)
    • Chacoura River
    • Sacacomie River
    • Rivière des Îles
      • Sans Bout River
    • Eau Claire River
    • Roi River
  • Little Yamachiche River
  • Yamachiche River
    • Machiche River
      • Rivière du Lac des Îles
      • Rivière du Sept
      • Bras du Nord (Machiche River tributary)/Petite rivière Saint-Étienne
  • Rivière aux Sables
  • Millette River

Watershed of Saint-Maurice River

Rivers flowing into the Saint Lawrence River and Gulf of Saint Lawrence, listed in downstream order:

West bank

  • Saint-Maurice River
    • Cyprès River
    • Najoua River
    • Manouane River (La Tuque)
      • Ruban River
        • Blanche River (La Tuque River tributary)
          • North-West Blanche River (Ruban River tributary)
        • Huot River
        • Pichoui River
          • Pichoui River West
        • Drouin River
      • La Tuque Creek (Manouane River)
      • Caginecti River
      • Kekeo River
      • Manouane Lake (La Tuque)
        • Atim River
          • Sèche River (La Tuque)
        • Sarto River
        • Kempt Lake (La Tuque)
          • Paconsigane River
          • Métabeskéga River
          • Alexandrie River
          • Morialice River
      • Mondonac River
      • Canatagami River
    • Little Flamand River
    • Flamand River
      • Flamand River West
        • Frémont Lake
          • North River (Frémont Lake)
    • Vermillion
    • Rivière au Lait
    • Rivière-aux-Rats
      • Petite rivière-aux-Rats
    • Wessonneau River
      • Wessonneau River North
        • Wessonneau du Milieu River
    • Bête Puante River (Beast Puante River)
    • Mattawin River
      • Aigles River (Mékinac)
      • Chienne River (Mékinac)
      • Lachance River (Mékinac)
      • Cenelles River
      • Poste River
        • Villiers River
      • Rivière du Milieu
        • Laviolette River
        • Laviolette River West
        • Laviolette River East
        • Boullé River
        • Aulnaies River (Milieu River tributary)
      • Sauvage River
      • Matawin River West
      • Anticamamac River
    • Pêche River
    • Piles River
    • Grand-Mère River
    • Shawinigan River
    • Bernier River (Saint-Maurice River tributary)
      • Blanche River (Bernier River tributary)

East bank

  • Saint-Maurice River
    • Wabano River
      • Faguy River
      • Wabano River West
      • Loup River (Wabano River tributary)
        • Loup River West (Lac-Ashuapmushuan)
      • Doré River (Wabano River tributary)
      • Cécile River
    • Petit Rocher River
    • Jolie River (La Tuque)
    • Windigo River
      • Windigo River West
      • Windigo River North-West
      • Cabeloga River
    • Sauvages Brook (reservoir Blanc)
    • Jolie River (reservoir Blanc)
      • Jolie River West
    • Grand Pierriche River (generally named "Grande rivière Pierriche")
      • Pierriche Nord-Ouest River
        • Chacola River
      • Pierriche du Milieu River
      • Branche Nord-Est de la Pierriche
    • Little Pierriche River
    • La Trenche
      • De la Tête à l'Ours River
      • Bonhomme River
      • Trenche Sud River
      • Trenche Est River
        • Petite rivière Trenche Ouest
      • Raimbault River
        • Aux Eaux Mortes River (Raimbault River tributary)
        • Raimbault Est River
    • À la Corne River
    • Du Mâle River
      • Du Mâle Nord River
    • Chaumonot River
    • Croche
      • Patrick River (Croche River tributary)
      • Du Brûlé River (Croche River tributary)
      • Petite rivière Croche
        • Petite rivière Croche Nord
    • Bostonnais
      • Borgia River
      • Pequaquasoui River
      • Bostonnais Chenal
      • Stewart River (Bostonnais River tributary)
    • Little Bostonnais
      • Le Fouet River
      • Épervier River
      • Mystérieuse River
    • Grosbois River
    • Small Stream River (generally named: "La Petite Rivière" in French)
    • L'Oiseau River
    • Caribou River
    • Mekinac River
      • Boucher River
      • Rivière du Milieu
        • Bessonne River
        • Brochets River (Lac-Masketsi)
        • Eaux-Mortes River
    • Noire River (Shawinigan)
    • Rouilles River
    • Cachée River (Saint-Maurice River tributary)

Gouin Reservoir

(Clockwise from the mouth)

North shore downstream of Trois-Rivières

Batiscan River Valley

East of Batiscan River

East of Quebec City on north shore

Watershed of Saguenay River

Tributaries of Lac Saint-Jean

In order in hourly turn from Saguenay River.

Tributaries of Péribonka River

East Shore (upstream)
  • Péribonka River
    • Noire River (Péribonka River)
    • Blanche River (Péribonka River) (via Tchitogama Lake)
    • Malek River
    • Canal Sec River
    • Manouane River (Péribonka River)
      • Rivière du Portage (Manouane River)
      • Alma River (Manouane River)
      • Houlière River
      • Little Manouane River
        • Duhamel River
        • Dufort River
      • Manouaniche River
      • Manouane Lake (Mont-Valin)
        • Petite rivière des Perdrix Blanches
        • Rivière des Montagnes Blanches
          • Rivière aux Perches (rivière des Montagnes Blanches)
          • Falconio River
      • Rivière à Georges
      • Castorver)
    • Rivière de l'Épinette Rouge
    • Brodeuse River
    • Serpent River (Péribonka River)
      • Étienniche River
        • D'Ailleboust River (via le D'Ailleboust Lake)
      • Rivière au Serpent South-West
        • Rivière du Sapin Croche
        • Lapointe River (rivière au Serpent South-West) (via lac du Serpent)
        • Rivière-Qui-Cale River
        • Brûlée River (rivière du Castor-Qui-Cale)
      • Naja River
      • Grand Détour River
    • Petite rivière Shipshaw
    • À la Carpe River (Péribonka River)
    • Cocoumenen River
    • Bonnard River
      • Modeste River
    • Savane River (Péribonka River tributary)
      • Courtois River
      • Rivière du Cran Cassé
      • Lerole River
      • Benoit River
        • Rivière à Michel Nord
      • Rivière à Michel (Savane River)
    • Épervanche River
    • Péribonka East River
      • Carignan River

West shore (downstream)

  • Péribonka River
    • Rivière de la Grande Loutre
    • Saint-Onge River (Péribonka Rire Lapointe (rivière au Serpent Sud-Ouest) (via le lac du Serpent)
      • Ashiniu River
      • Kauashetesh River
      • Rivière des Prairies (rivière au Serpent)
      • Dumau River
        • Lekau River
    • Du Sault River (Péribonka River)
    • Louke River
    • Des Savard River
    • Rivière du Banc de Sable (Péribonka River)
    • Brûlée River (Péribonka River)
    • Bernabé River
    • Belley River (Péribonka River)
      • Little Belley River
    • Alex River (Péribonka River)
      • Milot River
      • Épiphane River
      • Des Aigles River (Alex River)
        • Manigouche River
        • Patrick River (Des Aigles River)
          • Patrick River West (via "Bleuets secs Lake")
      • Rivière des Épinettes Noires
      • Rivière du Nord (Alex river)
      • Rivière au Portage (Alex river)
    • Saint-Ludger River
    • Rivière à Michel (Péribonka River)
    • Little Péribonka River
      • Noire River (Little Péribonka River)
        • Villeneuve River
      • Doucet River (Petite rivière Péribonka)
      • Moreau River

North-shore tributaries downstream of Tadoussac

  • Moulin à Baude River
    • Lapointe River (Moulin à Baude River)
  • Petites Bergeronnes River
    • Lac des Sables (Petites Bergeronnes River tributary)
      • Rivière des Sables
  • Grandes Bergeronnes River
  • Escoumins River
    • Cassette River
    • Polette River
    • Maclure River
    • Chatignies River
      • Boulanger River
    • Savanes River
  • Moreau River
  • Petits Escoumins River
  • Petite Romaine River
  • Sault au Mouton River
    • Castors River (Sault au Mouton River)
    • Roussel River
  • Éperlan River
  • La Truite River (La Haute-Côte-Nord)
  • Portneuf River
    • Des Cèdres River (Portneuf River)
    • Aux Ours River (Portneuf River)
    • Jos-Ross River
    • Brûlée River (Portneuf River)
    • Portneuf River East
      • Plate River (Portneuf River East)
    • Rocheuse River (Portneuf River)
    • Noire River (Portneuf River tributary)
    • Philias River
    • Noire Little River (Portneuf River) (Petite rivière Noire)
    • Petite rivière Marguerite
  • Sault aux Cochons River
    • La Loche River
    • Aux Canards River (Sault aux Cochons River)
    • La Pipe River (via Kakuskanus Lake and Sault aux Cochons Lake);
    • Isidore River
      • Isidore River West
      • Isidore River East
    • Truchon Creek
    • Nicette River
    • À la Dame River
  • Laval River
    • Aux Pins River
      • Fournier River
    • Ouelette River
    • Adam River (Laval River tributary)
      • Ouelette River
      • Aux Lacs River
  • Blanche River
  • Colombier River

North-shore Betsiamites River and tributaries eastward

West bank
  • Betsiamites River
    • Volant River
      • Virot River
    • Lessard River (Betsiamites River)
    • Leman River
    • Pipmuacan Reservoir
      • Desroches River (Betsiamites River)
      • Lionnet River (via Dubuc Lake (Lionnet River))
      • Andrieux River
      • Paul River
      • Rivière aux Sables (Pipmuacan Reservoir)
        • Eaux Mortes River (via lake au Menton)
        • Éléphant Creek
          • Rivière aux Castors (rivière aux Sables)
        • Tagi River
        • Wapishish River
        • Poulin River
        • Rivière à la Cruche (rivière aux Sables)
      • Rivière aux Chutes (réservoir Pipmuacan)
        • La Sobie River (via Lake La Sorbière)
          • La Maria River (via Rond Lake)
            • Vénus River
            • Jérémy River
            • François-Paradis River (via Maria-Chapdelaine Lake)
      • Saint-Yves River
      • Manouaniche River (via lake Melonèze)
      • De l'Épinette River
      • Pipmuacan River
        • Pipmuacan River West
      • Aux Hirondelles River
      • Sylvestre River
      • La Tourette River
      • Tokencutout River
      • Micheline River
      • Madeleine River

East bank

  • Betsiamites River
    • Manouanis River (via Manouanis Lake)
    • Rivière de la Grande Charge (via Perdu Lake (Betsiamites River))
    • Rivière Pékans (via le Perdu Lake (Betsiamites River))
    • Auriac River
      • Lisette River
    • Echo River
    • Canton River
    • Praslin River
    • Dentelle River
    • Brochet River
    • Cabituquimats River
    • Martineau River
    • Frégate River
    • Boucher River
      • Saint-Onge River
      • Portage River
    • Laliberté River
    • Nipi River
  • Papinachois River
  • Barthélemy River
  • Aux Rosiers River
  • Ragueneau River
    • Ragueneau River East

North-shore Aux Outardes River and tributaries eastward

  • Rivière aux Outardes
    • Rivière à la Truite (rivière aux Outardes)
    • Rochue River
    • Loup Marin River
      • Caouishtagamac River
    • Chevalier River (Outardes River tributary)
      • Bureau River (Chevalier River)
    • Roquemont River
    • Rivière à la Croix (rivière aux Outardes tributary)
    • Bleuets River (rivière aux Outardes tributary)
    • Minauaniss River
      • Plétipi Lake
        • Boivin River (rivière aux Outardes) (via Boivin Lake (rivière aux Outardes) and Plétipi Lake)
    • Matonipi River
    • Tortueuse River
    • Outardes 4 Reservoir
      • Lapointe River (Outardes Quatre Reservoir)
      • Remous River
      • Brochet River
      • Hulot River (via Hulot Lake)
      • Blanzy River
      • Rivière à l'Argent (via lac du Coude)
        • Villéon River
        • Rivière du Grand Brûlé
      • Rivière des Chutes (rivière aux Outardes)
      • Rivière du Porc-Épic
      • Nouvel River
    • Croche River (rivière aux Outardes)
    • Desgouttes River (via Plétipi Lake)
    • Rivière des Bois (rivière aux Outardes)
    • Rivière du Bois Long
    • Antrim River
    • Georges-Tremblay River
  • Saint-Athanase River West
  • Saint-Athanase River (Pointe-aux-Outardes)

North-shore Manicouagan River and tributaries eastward

North-shore Sainte-Marguerite River and tributaries eastward

Tributaries downstream of Romaine River

  • Romaine River (Newfoundland-Québec)
    • Maleck River
    • Puyjalon River
      • Bat-le-Diable River
      • Allard River (Puylalon River tributary)
      • Octave River (Puylalon Lake) (through Puyjalon Lake)
      • Perugia River (through Puyjalon Lake)
      • Au Foin River
    • Bernard River
    • Glapion River
    • Baubert River
    • Jérôme River
    • Little Romaine River
    • Touladis River
    • Rivière aux Pêcheurs
    • Rivière aux Fleurs
    • Rivière aux Brochets
    • Rivière des Cinq Lacs
    • Discharge of Lake Pommerel (Newfoundland)
    • Sénéchal River (Newfoundland)
    • Discharge of Lake Norman (Newfoundland-Quebec))
    • Sauterelles River
    • Garneau River (Romaine River)
      • Garneau River West
      • Marthe River
    • Abbé Huard River
    • Romaine River Southwest
  • Aisley River
  • Little River (Minganie) (French: "La Petite Rivière (Minganie)")
  • Grande River (Minganie) (French: "La Grande Rivière (Minganie)")
  • Joachim River (French: "Rivière à Joachim")
  • Coco River (Minganie)
  • North-West River
  • Jos River (French: "Rivière à Jos")
  • Rivière à l'Ours (Minganie)
  • Du Milieu River (Minganie)
  • De La Corneille River (Minganie)
  • Piashti River
  • Quetachou River
    • Bellanger River
    • Plate River (Quetachou River)
  • Véronique River
  • Watshishou River
  • Little Watshishou River
  • Pashashibou River
  • Little Du Milieu River
  • Little River East
  • Nabisipi River
    • Michaud River (Minganie)
  • Aguanish River
    • Dany River
    • Leguyader River
    • Aguanish River North
      • Aguanish River Northwest
    • Ludger River
  • Rivière de l'Île Michon
  • Uahtauakau River
  • Plaines River
  • Little Natashquan River

Tributaries downstream of Natashquan River

Islands of Saint Lawrence River


Orleans Island

Anticosti Island

South shore of Anticosti Island (from west to east)

North shore of Anticosti Island (from west to east)

Watershed of south shore of St. Lawrence River (between Ontario border and Etchemin River)

Watershed of Haut-Saint-Laurent

Watershed of Richelieu River

Watershed of Yamaska River

Watershed of Saint-François River and Eastern tributaries

West bank of Saint-François River

Saint-François River

South bank of Saint-François River

North bank of Saint-François River

Grand lac Saint François

Lake Noir (Saint-François River)

East bank of Saint-François River

Tributaries downstream of Saint-François River' mouth

Watershed of Nicolet River and Eastern tributaries

Watershed of Bécancour River and Eastern tributaries

Watershed of Gentilly River and Eastern tributaries

Watershed of Chaudière River

Tributaries of west bank of Richelieu River

Tributaries of east bank of Chaudière River

Watershed of Etchemin River

Tributaries of west bank:
  • Penin River
  • Le Bras
  • Desbarats River
  • Pyke River
  • Henderson River
  • Viveine River

Tributaries of south bank:

  • Lanigan River
  • Discharge of lake Etchemin
  • Etchemin Little River
  • Bourget River

Tributaries of east bank:

  • Blanche River
  • Bœuf River
  • Fleurs River
  • Eau Chaude Stream
    • Rover Stream
  • Hemison Stream
  • Abénaquis River
    • Billots River
      • Moulin River

Gaspesie Peninsula

Watershed of southeast of St. Lawrence River (at east of Etchemin River)

Watershed of South River, Montmagny (French: Rivière du Sud)

Watershed of southeast bank of St. Lawrence River (at east of South River, Montmagny)

Watershed of Rivière du Loup and Eastern tributaries

  • Rivière du Loup
    • Pivard River
    • Le Grand Bras
    • Manie River
    • Loutres River
    • Fourchue River
      • Carrier River
      • Rocheuse River
        • Noire River
    • Little Black River
    • Little River du Loup
    • Little River du Loup
  • Vases River
  • Verte River
    • Roches River
    • Cacouna River
    • Fourche River
  • Girard River
  • Petit Sault River
  • Pointe à la Loupe River

Watershed of Trois-Pistoles River and Eastern tributaries

  • Trois Pistoles River
    • Gamelle River
    • Plainasse River
    • Mariakèche River
      • Chaud Stream
    • Sénescoupé River
      • Lake of Grande Fourche
        • Saint-Hubert River
    • Toupiké River
      • Plate River
    • Boisbouscache River
      • Sapins River
        • Ferrée River
      • Bouleaux River
      • Perdrix River
      • La Franchise River
      • Abraham-Bell River
      • Abraham River
    • Sauvagesse River
  • Renouf River
  • Harton River
  • Centrale River
    • Little River North of Mountain
  • Porc-Pic River
  • River South-West
    • Neigette River
  • Bic River
    • Aulnes River
    • Gamache River
  • Hâtée River
    • Branche de la rivière Hâtée

Watershed of Rimouski River and Eastern tributaries

West bank (from confluence)

East bank (from upper part)

Watershed of La Mitis and Eastern tributaries

  • Mitis River
    • Neigette River
      • Little Neigette River
        • Lunettes River
      • Rouge River
      • Paquet River
      • Noire River
    • Mistigougèche River
    • Mercier River
    • Saint-Pierre River
    • Rouge River
  • Tartigou River
  • Blanche River
    • Alex River (Blanche River)
    • South Blanche River
  • Little Blanche River
  • Matane River
    • Petchedetz River
      • East Petchedetz River
        • South Petchedetz River
    • Towagodi River
    • Tamagodi River
    • Rivière à la Truite (Troot River)
      • Petite Rivière à la Truite (Little Troot River)
    • Rivière Bonjour
    • Duvivier River
    • Little Matane River

Northern slope of Gaspésie

  • Pierre River
  • Rivière des Grands Méchins (Grand Mechins River)
  • Rivière des Grands Capucins (Grand Capucins River)
  • Cap-Chat River
    • Little Cap-Chat River
      • Petite Rivière Cap-Chat Est (East Little Cap-Chat River)
    • Rivière Cap-Chat Est (East Cap-Chat River)
  • Sainte-Anne River
    • North-East Sainte-Anne River
  • Little Sainte-Anne River
  • Rivière à la Martre
    • Rivière à la Martre Ouest
  • Marsoui River
    • East Marsoui River
  • Claude River
  • Mont-Saint-Pierre River
    • East Branch
  • Mont-Louis River
    • West Mont-Louis River
  • Anse Pleureuse River
  • Gros-Morne River
  • Manche d'Épée River
  • Little River Madeleine
  • Madeleine River
    • South Madeleine River
    • North Madeleine River
    • Béland River
    • Diable River
    • Rivière à l'Eau Claire (Clearwater River (Madeleine River)
  • Grande Vallée River
  • Petite Vallée River
  • Grand-Cloridorme River
  • Petit-Cloridorme River
  • Petite Rivière au Renard (Little Fox River)
  • Rivière au Renard (Fox River (Gaspé))
    • Morris River
    • Division River
  • Rivière de l'Anse au Griffon (Griffon Cove River)

Watershed of Gaspé Bay

  • Dartmouth River
    • Little Fork River
  • York River
    • Mississippi River
    • West Mississippi River
    • La Petite Fourche (Little Fork)
    • La Grande Fourche (Grand Fork)
  • Saint-Jean River
    • South Saint-Jean River
    • West Saint-Jean River
  • Seal Cove River
  • Rivière de l'Anse à Brillant (Brillant Cove River)

Watershed of La Malbaie River (Percé)

  • Malbaie River
    • La Petite Fourche
    • La Grande Fourche
  • Beattie River
  • Portage River
  • Murphy River

Watershed of Chaleur Bay (east of Bonaventure River)

Watershed of Chaleur Bay (west of Bonaventure River)

  • Bonaventure River
    • Hall River
      • West Hall River
    • Duval River
    • Garin River
    • Reboul River
      • North Reboul River
    • West Bonaventure River
    • La Petite Ouest
  • Saint-Siméon River
  • Caplan River
  • Little Cascapédia River
    • Nouvelle River
    • Little East Cascapédia River
    • Little West Cascapédia River
    • Rivière à l'Oie
  • Cascapédia River
    • Ruisseau aux Saumons
    • Rivière Branche du Lac
    • Square Forks River
    • Angers River
      • Ruisseau Grand Nord
      • South Angers River
  • Green River
  • Stewart River
    • East Stewart River
  • Nouvelle River
    • Little Nouvelle River

Restigouche River watershed (left bank – part in Quebec)

Restigouche River watershed (part in New Brunswick)

Watershed of Bay of Fundy (Atlantic Ocean)

Saint John River watershed – higher part (Quebec, Maine and New Brunswick)

North bank of Saint John River

Saint John River – watershed of Madawaska River – Quebec and New Brunswick

  • Madawaska River, Quebec and New Brunswick
    • Truite River, Quebec and New Brunswick
      • Little Truite River (Truite River), Madawaska County, New Brunswick
    • Perches River (Madawaska River), Quebec
      • Sapins River, Quebec
    • Creuse River, Quebec
    • Cabano River, Quebec
    • Little Savane River, Quebec
    • Caldwell River, Quebec
    • Ashberish River, Quebec
    • Touladi River, Quebec
      • Aigles River, Quebec
        • Sisime des Aigles River, Quebec
      • Orient River, Quebec
        • Verte River, Quebec
      • Squatec River, Quebec
        • Owen River, Quebec
    • Bouleaux River, Quebec

Connecticut River – Quebec and New Hampshire

See also


  1. Commission de toponymie du Québec - Accessdate = August 30, 2020
  2. "Du Québec à la Louisiane, sur les traces des Français d'Amérique, Géo Histoire, Hors-série, Éditions Prisma, Paris, October 2006
  3. Lacolle River
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