This is a list of the government cabinets of Greece.

Third Hellenic Republic, 1974–present

Cabinet Tenure Prime Minister Parties
Second Cabinet of Kyriakos Mitsotakis 27 June 2023 - Kyriakos Mitsotakis New Democracy
Caretaker Cabinet of Ioannis Sarmas 26 May 2023 – 25 June 2023 Ioannis Sarmas Non-party caretaker government to hold general elections
First Cabinet of Kyriakos Mitsotakis 9 July 2019 – 25 May 2023 Kyriakos Mitsotakis New Democracy
Second Cabinet of Alexis Tsipras 23 September 2015 – 8 July 2019 Alexis Tsipras SYRIZA, Independent Greeks
Caretaker Cabinet of Vassiliki Thanou-Christophilou 28 August 2015 – 23 September 2015 Vassiliki Thanou Non-party caretaker government to hold general elections
First Cabinet of Alexis Tsipras 27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015 Alexis Tsipras SYRIZA
Independent Greeks
Ecologist Greens
Cabinet of Antonis Samaras 21 June 2012 – 26 January 2015 Antonis Samaras New Democracy
Panhellenic Socialist Movement
Democratic Left (until 25 June 2013)
Agreement for the New Greece (from 9 June 2014)
Caretaker Cabinet of Panagiotis Pikrammenos 17 May 2012 - 20 June 2012 Panagiotis Pikrammenos Non-party caretaker government to hold general elections
Coalition Cabinet of Lucas Papademos 11 November 2011 – 17 May 2012 Lucas Papademos Panhellenic Socialist Movement
New Democracy
Popular Orthodox Rally
Cabinet of George Papandreou (junior) 7 October 2009 – 11 November 2011 George Papandreou (junior) Panhellenic Socialist Movement
Second Cabinet of Kostas Karamanlis 19 September 2007 – 7 October 2009 Kostas Karamanlis New Democracy
First Cabinet of Kostas Karamanlis 10 March 2004 – 19 September 2007 Kostas Karamanlis New Democracy
Third Cabinet of Costas Simitis 13 April 2000 – 10 March 2004 Costas Simitis Panhellenic Socialist Movement
Second Cabinet of Costas Simitis 25 September 1996 – 13 April 2000 Costas Simitis Panhellenic Socialist Movement
First Cabinet of Costas Simitis 22 January 1996 – 25 September 1996 Costas Simitis Panhellenic Socialist Movement
Third Cabinet of Andreas Papandreou 13 October 1993 – 25 January 1996 Andreas Papandreou Panhellenic Socialist Movement
Cabinet of Konstantinos Mitsotakis 11 April 1990 – 13 October 1993 Konstantinos Mitsotakis New Democracy
Ecumenical Cabinet of Xenophon Zolotas 23 November 1989 – 11 April 1990 Xenophon Zolotas New Democracy
Panhellenic Socialist Movement
Caretaker Cabinet of Ioannis Grivas 12 October 1989 – 23 November 1989 Ioannis Grivas Non-party caretaker government to hold general elections
Cabinet of Tzannis Tzannetakis 2 July 1989 – 12 October 1989 Tzannis Tzannetakis New Democracy, Synaspismos
Second Cabinet of Andreas Papandreou 5 June 1985 – 2 July 1989 Andreas Papandreou Panhellenic Socialist Movement
First Cabinet of Andreas Papandreou 21 October 1981 – 5 June 1985 Andreas Papandreou Panhellenic Socialist Movement
Cabinet of Georgios Rallis 10 May 1980 – 21 October 1981 George Rallis New Democracy
Seventh Cabinet of Konstantinos Karamanlis 28 November 1977 – 10 May 1980 Konstantinos Karamanlis New Democracy
sixth Cabinet of Konstantinos Karamanlis 21 November 1974 – 28 November 1977 Konstantinos Karamanlis New Democracy
National Unity Cabinet of Konstantinos Karamanlis 24 July 1974 – 21 November 1974 Konstantinos Karamanlis National Radical Union (until 4 October 1974)
New Democracy (from 4 October 1974)
Centre Union (until 7 October 1974)
Centre Union – New Forces (from 7 October 1974)

Greek junta, 1967–1974

Cabinet Tenure Prime Minister Parties
Cabinet of Adamantios Androutsopoulos 25 November 1974 - 24 July 1074 Adamantios Androutsopoulos appointed by the junta regime
Cabinet of Spyros Markezinis 8 October 1973 - 25 November 1974 Spyros Markezinis appointed by the junta regime
Cabinet of Georgios Papadopoulos 18 December 1967 - 8 October 1973 Georgios Papadopoulos leader of the Greek junta
Cabinet of Constantine Kollias 21 April 1967 - 13 December 1967 Constantine Kollias appointed by the junta regime

Kingdom of Greece (Second Crowned Republic (1935–1967)

Cabinet Tenure Prime Minister Parties
Cabinet of Ioannis Paraskevopoulos 22 December 1967 - 3 April 1967 Ioannis Paraskevopoulos caretaker government to hold general elections
Cabinet of Stefanos Stefanopoulos 17 September 1965 - 22 December 1967 Stefanos Stefanopoulos appointed by King Constantine II of Greece from defectors of the Center Union
Cabinet of Ilias Tsirimokos 20 August 1965 - 17 September 1965 Ilias Tsirimokos appointed by King Constantine II of Greece from defectors of the Center Union
Cabinet of Georgios Athanasiadis-Novas 15 July 1965 - 20 August 1965 Georgios Athanasiadis-Novas appointed by King Constantine II from defectors of the Center Union
Cabinet of Georgios Papandreou 19 February 1964 - 15 July 1965 Georgios Papandreou Center Union
Cabinet of Ioannis Paraskevopoulos 16 December 1963 - 18 February 1964 Ioannis Paraskevopoulos caretaker government to hold general elections
Fourth Cabinet of Georgios Papandreou 0 November 1963 - 31 December 1963 Georgios Papandreou coalition cabinet under Center Union leadership
Cabinet of Stylianos Mavromichalis 28 September 1963 - 8 November 1963 Stylianos Mavromichalis caretaker government to hold general elections
Cabinet of Panagiotis Pipinelis 19 June 1963 - 28 September 1963 Panagiotis Pipinelis non-party government, appointed by King Paul of Greece
Fourth Cabinet of Konstantinos Karamanlis 4 November 1961 - 19 July 1963 Konstantinos Karamanlis National Radical Union
Cabinet of Konstantinos Dovas 20 September 1961 - 4 November 1961 Konstantinos Dovas caretaker government to hold general elections
Third Cabinet of Konstantinos Karamanlis 17 May 1958 - 20 September 1961 Konstantinos Karamanlis National Radical Union
Cabinet of Konstantinos Georgakopoulos 5 March - 17 May 1958 Konstantinos Georgakopoulos caretaker government to hold general elections
Second Cabinet of Konstantinos Karamanlis 29 February 1956 - 5 March 1958 Konstantinos Karamanlis National Radical Union
First Cabinet of Konstantinos Karamanlis 6 October 1955 - 29 February 1056 Konstantinos Karamanlis appointed by King Paul of Greece / vote of confidence by Parliament
Cabinet of Alexander Papagos 19 November 1952 - 6 October 1955 Alexander Papagos Greek Rally
Cabinet of Dimitrios Kiousopoulos 11 October - 19 November 1952 Dimitrios Kiousopoulos caretaker government to hold general elections
Third Cabinet of Nikolaos Plastiras 27 October 1951 - 11 October 1952 Nikolaos Plastiras National Progressive Center Union
Liberal Party (Greece)
Fifth Cabinet of Sophoklis Venizelos 3 November 1950 - 27 October 1951 Sophoklis Venizelos Liberal Party (Greece)
Democratic Socialist Party of Greece
Fourth Cabinet of Sophoklis Venizelos 13 September - 3 November 1950 Sophoklis Venizelos Liberal Party
People's Party (Greece)
Georgios Papandreou Party
Third Cabinet of Sophoklis Venizelos 21 August - 13 September 1950 Sophoklis Venizelos Liberal Party
Georgios Papandreou Party
National Party of Greece
Second Cabinet of Nikolaos Plastiras 15 April - 21 August 1950 Nikolaos Plastiras National Progressive Center Union
Liberal Party
Georgios Papandreou Party
Second Cabinet of Sophoklis Venizelos 23 March - 15 April 1950 Sophoklis Venizelos Liberal Party
National Unionist Party
Cabinet of Ioannis Theotokis 6 January - 23 March 1950 Ioannis Theotokis caretaker government to hold general elections
Cabinet of Alexandros Diomidis 30 June 1949 - 6 January 1950 Alexandros Diomidis People's Party (Greece)
Liberal Party
National Unionist Party
appointed by King Paul of Greece due to unexpected death of the Prime Minister
Sixth Cabinet of Themistoklis Sofoulis 14 April - 30 June 1949 Themistoklis Sofoulis Liberal Party
People's Party
National Unionist Party
Fifth Cabinet of Themistoklis Sofoulis 20 January - 14 April 1949 Themistoklis Sofoulis Liberal Party
People's Party
National Unionist Party
New Party
Fourth Cabinet of Themistoklis Sofoulis 18 November 1949 - 20 January 1950 Themistoklis Sofoulis Liberal Party
People's Party
Third Cabinet of Themistoklis Sofoulis 7 September 1947 - 18 November 1948 Themistoklis Sofoulis Liberal Party
People's Party
Third Cabinet of Konstantinos Tsaldaris 29 August - 7 September 1947 Konstantinos Tsaldaris People's Party
National Party of Greece
Cabinet of Dimitrios Maximos 24 January - 29 August 1947 Dimitrios Maximos United Alignment of Nationalists
National Political Union (1946)
National Party of Greece
Union of Nationalists
Union of Agrarian Parties
Second Cabinet of Konstantinos Tsaldaris 2 October 1946 - 24 January 1947 Konstantinos Tsaldaris United Alignment of Nationalists
First Cabinet of Konstantinos Tsaldaris 18 April - 2 October 1946 Konstantinos Tsaldaris United Alignment of Nationalists
Cabinet of Panagiotis Poulitsas 4 - 18 April 1946 Panagiotis Poulitsas People's Party
National Political Union (1946)
Second Cabinet of Themistoklis Sofoulis 22 November 1945 - 4 April 1946 Themistoklis Sofoulis appointed by regent of Greece, Damaskinos of Athens
Cabinet of Panagiotis Kanellopoulos (1945) 1–22 November 1945 Panagiotis Kanellopoulos appointed by regent of Greece, Damaskinos of Athens
Cabinet of Archbishop Damaskinos 17 October - 1 November 1945 Archbishop Damaskinos provisional government
Second Cabinet of Petros Voulgaris 11 August - 17 October 1945 Petros Voulgaris extension of the term of office of the previous government
First Cabinet of Petros Voulgaris 8 April - 11 August 1945 Petros Voulgaris caretaker government to hold constitutional referendum
First Cabinet of Nikolaos Plastiras 3 January - 8 April 1945 Nikolaos Plastiras appointed by Regent of Greece, Damaskinos of Athens

Axis occupation of Greece (1941 - 1944) (parallel admnistrations)

Hellenic State

Cabinet Tenure Prime Minister Parties
Cabinet of Ioannis Rallis 7 April 1943 - 12 October 1944 Ioannis Rallis appointed by occupying forces
Cabinet of Konstantinos Logothetopoulos 2 December 1942 - 7 April 1943 Konstantinos Logothetopoulos appointed by occupying forces
Cabinet of Georgios Tsolakoglou 30 April 1941 - 2 December 1942 Georgios Tsolakoglou appointed by occupying forces

Greek government-in-exile

Cabinet Tenure Prime Minister Parties
Third Cabinet of Georgios Papandreou (I National Unity 18 October 1944 - 3 January 1945 Georgios Papandreou National unity government
Second Cabinet of Georgios Papandreou (I National Unity) 24 May - 18 October 1944 Georgios Papandreou National unity government
First Cabinet of Georgios Papandreou 26 April - 22 May 1944 Georgios Papandreou appointed by George II of Greece
First Cabinet of Sophoklis Venizelos 14 April - 26 April 1944 Sophoklis Venizelos appointed by King
Cabinet of Emmanouil Tsouderos 21 April 1941 - 14 April 1944 Emmanouil Tsouderos appointed by King

Political Committee of National Liberation

Cabinet Tenure Prime Minister Parties
Interim cabinet of Evripidis Bakirtzis 10 March - 18 April 1944 Evripidis Bakirtzis Communist Party of Greece
Union of People's Democracy
Agrarian Party
Cabinet of Alexandros Svolos 18 April- 2 September 1944 Alexandros Svolos Communist Party of Greece
Union of People's Democracy
Agrarian Party

4th of August Regime

Cabinet Tenure Prime Minister Parties
Cabinet of Alexandros Koryzis 29 January - 18 April 1941 Alexandros Koryzis appointed by King /no parties
Cabinet of Ioannis Metaxas 13 April 1936 - 29 January 1941 Ioannis Metaxas appointed by King /no parties

Restoration of Monarchy

Cabinet Tenure Prime Minister Parties
Cabinet of Konstantinos Demertzis 30 November 1935 - 13 April 1936 Konstantinos Demertzis caretaker cabinet
Second Cabinet of Georgios Kondylis 10 October = 30 November 1935 Georgios Kondylis appointed by Fifth National Assembly at Athens

Second Hellenic Republic

Cabinet Tenure Prime Minister Parties
Second Cabinet of Panagis Tsaldaris 10 March 1933 - 10 October 1935 Panagis Tsaldaris People's Party
National Democratic Party
Freethinkers' Party
Cabinet of Alexandros Othonaios 6 March - 10 March 1933 Alexandros Othonaios interim military government appointed by President of Greece
Ninth Cabinet of Eleftherios Venizelos 16 January - 6 March 1933 Eleftherios Venizelos Liberal Party
Agricultural and Labour Party
Progressive Party
Conservative Democratic Party
First Cabinet of Panagis Tsaldaris 4 November 1032 - 16 January 1933 Panagis Tsaldaris People's Party
Freethinkers' Party
National Democratic Party
Eighth Cabinet of Eleftherios Venizelos 5 June - 4 November 1932 Eleftherios Venizelos Liberal Party
Second Cabinet of Alexandros Papanastasiou 26 May - 5 June 1932 Alexandros Papanastasiou Agricultural and Labour Party with the parliamentary support of the Liberal Party
Seventh Cabinet of Eleftherios Venizelos 16 December 1929 - 26 May 1932 Eleftherios Venizelos Liberal Party
Sixth Cabinet of Eleftherios Venizelos 7 June - 16 December 1929 Eleftherios Venizelos Liberal Party
Fifth cabinet of Eleftherios Venizelos 4 July 1928 - 7 June 1929 Eleftherios Venizelos Liberal Party
Eighth Cabinet of Alexandros Zaimis 8 February - 4 July 1928 Alexandros Zaimis Liberal Party
Freethinkers' Party
Progressive Party
Seventh Cabinet of Alexandros Zaimis 17 August 1927 - 8 February 1928 Alexandros Zaimis Liberal Party
Freethinkers' Party
Democratic Union
Sixth Cabinet of Alexandros Zaimis 4 December 1926 - 17 August 1927 Alexandros Zaimis Liberal Party
People's Party
Freethinkers' Party
Democratic Union
First Cabinet of Georgios Kondylis 26 August - 4 December 1926 Georgios Kondylis appointed by Pavlos Kountouriotis, President of Hellenic Republic
Cabinet of Athanasios Eftaxias 19 July - 23 August 1926 Athanasios Eftaxias appointed by Theodoros Pangalos President of Hellenic Republic after 1925 Greek coup d'état
Cabinet of Theodoros Pangalos 26 June 1925 - 19 July 1926 Theodoros Pangalos 1925 Greek coup d'état / appointed by Pavlos Kountouriotis, President of Hellenic Republic
Cabinet of Andreas Michalakopoulos 7 October 1924 - 26 June 1925 Andreas Michalakopoulos Conservative Democratic Party
National Democratic Party
First Cabinet of Themistoklis Sofoulis 24 July - 7 October 1924 Themistoklis Sofoulis Liberal Party
First Cabinet of Alexandros Papanastasiou 12 March - 24 July 1924 Alexandros Papanastasiou Democratic Union

Kingdom of Greece - First Crowned Republic (1863-1924)

Cabinet Tenure Prime Minister Parties
Cabinet of Georgios Kafantaris 6 February - 12 March 1924 Georgios Kafantaris Liberal party
Fourth Cabinet of Eleftherios Venizelos 11 January - 6 February 1924 Eleftherios Venizelos Liberal party
Cabinet of Stylianos Gonatas 14 November 1922 - 11 January 1024 Stylianos Gonatas appointed by the "Revolutionary Committee" of 1922 Greek coup
Cabinet of Sotirios Krokidas 17 September - 14 November 1022 Sotirios Krokidas appointed by the "Revolutionary Committee" of 1922 Greek coup
Cabinet of Anastasios Charalambis 16 - 17 September 1922 Anastasios Charalambis appointed by the "Revolutionary Committee" of 1922 Greek coup
Cabinet of Nikolaos Triantaphyllakos 28 August - 16 September 1922 Nikolaos Triantaphyllakos United Opposition (Greece)
Cabinet of Petros Protopapadakis 9 May - 26 August 1922 Petros Protopapadakis United Opposition (Greece)
Cabinet of Nikolaos Stratos 3 - 9 May 1022 Nikolaos Stratos United Opposition
Third Cabinet of Dimitrios Gounaris 2 March - 3 May 1922 Dimitrios Gounaris United Opposition
Second Cabinet of Dimitrios Gounaris 26 March 1921 - 2 March 1922 Dimitrios Gounaris United Opposition
Second Cabinet of Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos 24 January - 26 March 1921 Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos United Opposition
Fifth Cabinet of Dimitrios Rallis 4 November 1920 - 24 January 1921 Dimitrios Rallis United Opposition
Third Cabinet of Eleftherios Venizelos 14 June 1917 - 4 November 1920 Eleftherios Venizelos appointed by Triple Entente (National Schism)
Fifth Cabinet of Alexandros Zaimis 21 April - 21 June 1917 Alexandros Zaimis appointed by King Constantine I of Greece
Provisional Government of National Defence 26 December 1916 - 14 June 1917 Eleftherios Venizelos parallel administration due to the National Schism
Cabinet of Spyridon Lambros 27 September 1916 - 21 April 1917 Spyridon Lambros Non-party caretaker government appointed by King Constantine I of Greece
First Cabinet of Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos 3 - 27 September 1916 Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos appointed by King Constantine I of Greece (Crown Council of Greece)
Fourth Cabinet of Alexandros Zaimis 9 June - 3 September 1916 Alexandros Zaimis appointed by King (Crown Council of Greece)
Cabinet of Stephanos Skouloudis 25 October 1915 - 9 June 1916 Stephanos Skouloudis Nationalists Party

See also


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