Marcantonio Dal Re (18 December 1697 26 April 1766), also spelled Marc'Antonio Dal Re, was an Italian engraver and publisher. He is known for his engravings of buildings and vedute of Lombardy.[1][2] Among his most splendid prints is a depiction of the interior of the Regio Ducal Teatro in Milan, which serves as an extravagant frame for a sonnet in praise of the soprano Violante Vestri.[3]

Engraving of the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan.


  1. Enciclopedia Treccani; Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 32 (1986) by Clelia Alberici.
  2. Ville di delizia, o siano palagi camparecci nello stato di Milano con espressevi le piante, e diverse vedute delle medesime, Volume 1; by Marcantoni dal Re, 1743.
  3. John A. Rice, "Mid-Eighteenth-Century Opera Seria Evoked in a Print by Marc'Antonio dal Re," Music in Art 34 (2009), 153–64.

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