
These are some common tools used to work on this device. You might not need every tool for every procedure.


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Background and Identification

The Kano Computer Kit Complete provides a simple guide to create a laptop. The Kano Computer Kit is designed for children aged 6 and up, enabling kids to learn how to code games, write applications, and produce digital art. It offers over 150 hours in coding lessons, projects, and challenges. Because there is so much to do, kids will never get bored. Furthermore, kids have the ability to download a wide variety of applications turning this ‘simple’ computer into a powerful PC. Another benefit of this computer kit is that internet access is not required in order for the coding applications to run; however, connecting to the internet will enhance the experience with this kit. The kit is so simple that a screwdriver isn’t needed to assemble this kit; all of the pieces snap together. Moreover, the assembly guide is written simply enough that kids can do everything without parental supervision. The computer software is a linux-based OS with Kano’s interface on top. The user interface is simple and tailored to children. The computer contains an “Adventure Mode” which is a story game where children can learn about the computer components and software. Kano’s desktop also contains nine apps that incorporate information coding, and how the computer processes information.

 The computer kit has a 10.1 inch screen that is slightly tilted along with a see-thru plastic back that shows the motherboard, battery, and speaker components. The kit also has a bright-orange wireless keyboard that is connected via a usb to one of the three USB ports on the left side of the computer. Together the computer kit weighs 2.5 pounds and comes with an assembly instructions manual . This current model of the Kano Computer replaced the original computer kit which comprised of a wireless keyboard and a small computer that had similar components to the current kit. The Kano Computer Kit Complete took the same computer and incorporated a screen into the front of the computer eliminating the need for a monitor. Currently the Kano Computer Kit Touch is the most up to date model of the Kano Computer possessing the same capabilities as Computer kit complete but with a touch screen.

The Kano Computer Kit was introduced in 2014 and has remained in production since. Since the release of the Kano Computer Kit in 2014, approximately 360,000 units have been sold and the device is available in over 30 countries. Moreover, this computer kit can be purchased from  retail stores such as Target and Walmart along with online options such as eBay, Amazon, and Kano’s website. This kit is a cost effective way to introduce the technological world to children at a young age. At $249, Kano Computer Kit Complete is one of the most inexpensive but effective computers on the market. Most customer reviews of the Kano Computer Kit mostly describe this kit as ‘user-friendly’, ‘easy to use’, and overall a device that children enjoy using. There are a few minor issues associated with this device when it is finally assembled: difficulty in powering on the device and the system not booting up properly.



  • Central Processing Unit (CPU):1.2 GHz Cortex A53 CPU Raspberry Pi 3
  • Random Access Memory (RAM): 1GB
  • Graphics: 400 MHz videocore IV
  • Storage Capacity: 8 GB Micro SD


  • Kano OS: Version 4.0


  •  USB:  4 USB ports
  • Wi-Fi: 802.11n wireless LAN
  • HDMI: 1 port


  •  10.1 inches (1200*800 resolution)


  • Connection: USB dongle
  • Range: 15m
  • Battery: 40hr

Additional Information

Kano Official website

Kano Computer informational overview

Amazon product page