Is it possible to add the h3 from the previous page to the current page's input value? I'm creating a form and want the first input value to be populated by the previous pages h3.

I have an unordered list, and each list item has a h3 which I want to populate the input value with, and each list item has a link to the form. So when that link to the form is clicked, the h3 from the list item is used to populate the input value.

Is this possible?

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  • You need to pass the variable between pages using either cookies (which jQuery can do) or with serverside sessions (which jQuery can't). – Blender Jun 15 '12 at 00:35
  • What's wrong with passing it as a query string parameter? – mVChr Jun 15 '12 at 00:37

3 Answers3


If you wish to access information, then it needs to be stored somewhere. You can store the data client-side or pass data through a link using a querystring or a hashtag.

On origin page

<a href="nextpage.php?h3=test">link</a>

On receiving page, assuming PHP

$heading = $_GET['h3'];
php echo '<input type="text">'.$heading.'</input>';

edit for comment: for silly aspers use google ;) http://www.w3schools.com/asp/coll_querystring.asp

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  • @Terry I was in a hurry and took the first google hit for a topic on which I have no expertise (since the OP didn't tag .NET). Would you prefer [a link from the MSDN](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524784(v=vs.90).aspx)? – Sinetheta Jun 15 '12 at 03:04

You need to keep the value of the element from page to page, there are few ways to accomplish this:

In the source page:

  • Query String

    myLink.NavigateUrl = "~/MyTargetPage.aspx?d=" + GetCurrentH3Value();
  • Session

    Session["d"] = GetCurrentH3Value();
  • Cookies

    Response.Cookies["d"].Value = GetCurrentH3Value();

In the target page:

  • Query String

    var lastH3 = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["d"]);
  • Session

    var lastH3 = Session["d"].ToString();
  • Cookies

    var lastH3 = Request.Cookies["d"].Value;
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Using just javascript (jQuery):

First create a function that reads the query string, this question has many examples.


Source page:

<ul id="listOfH3s">

$('#listOfH3s li').click(function() {
    window.location = 'mypage.aspx?h3=' + $(this).find('h3').text();

Destination page:

<input type="text" id="h3" />

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