I am fairly new to C++, having much more C experience.

I am writing a program that will use the string class, and began to wonder about the efficiency of the "length()" method.

I realized though that I didn't have a good answer to this question, and so was wondering if the answer to this and similar questions exist somewhere. While I am more than capable of determining the runtime of my own code, I'm at a bit of a loss when it comes to provided code, and so I find I can't accurately judge the efficiency of my programs.

Is there c++ documentation (online, or in "man" format) that includes information on the runtime of provided code?

Edit: I'm interested in this in general, not just string::length.

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  • Duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/256033/is-stdstring-size-a-o1-operation – Fred Larson Jul 12 '09 at 05:24
  • It should be noted... you should use string::size() instead of string::length() because all other STL containers use size() only. – rlbond Jul 12 '09 at 06:12

2 Answers2


All of the implementations I've seen are O(1).

The documentation you're looking for is the C++ standard -- I believe C++03 is the latest one at present. It isn't available online or in man format, it's sold commercially. There's a list of the places to find it, and recent prices, here.

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Head Geek
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At present, time complexity of size() for all STL containers is underspecified. There's an open C++ defect report for that.

The present ISO C++ standard says that STL containers should have size() of constant complexity:


The class template basic_string conforms to the requirements of a Sequence, as specified in (23.1.1). Additionally, because the iterators supported by basic_string are random access iterators (24.1.5), basic_string conforms to the the requirements of a Reversible Container, as specified in (23.1).


  • Expression: a.size()
  • Complexity: (Note A)

Those entries marked ‘‘(Note A)’’ should have constant complexity

However, "should" is not a binding requirement in the Standard parlance; indeed, the above applies to std::list as well, but in practice some implementations (notably g++) have O(N) std::list::size().

The only thing that can be guaranteed is that (end() - begin()) for a string is (possibly amortized) O(1). This is because string iterators are guaranteed to be random-access, and random-access iterators are guaranteed to have constant time operator-.

As a more practical issue, for all existing C++ implementations out there, the following holds:

  • std::string::size() is O(1)
  • std::vector::size() is O(1)

They are fairly obvious, as both strings and vectors are most efficiently implemented as contiguous arrays with separately stored size: contiguous because it gives fastest element access while satisfying all other complexity requirements, and storing size is because Container requirements demand that end() be constant-time.

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Pavel Minaev
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  • "possibly amortized O(1)". Amortized over what? – Steve Jessop Jul 12 '09 at 09:11
  • I'm not sure how to properly phrase it, but I was thinking about `std::deque` - and the general implementation approach (linked list of vectors) when I wrote that; in theory, a standard-compliant string could use deque or something similar as underlying storage. But come to think of it, I'm not even sure that deque iterators have O(1) `operator-` for iterators, amortized or not (though the Standard requires them to). Anyone care to compute the complexity for it? – Pavel Minaev Jul 12 '09 at 10:37
  • deque iterators are random access too, and that means they have O(1) operator- by definition. Any implementation that does otherwise is faulty, but you can't draw any other conclusions. It's not too hard to implement this since operator[] needs to be O(1) as well. So, in general you can efficiently calculate x-y as (x-begin())-(y-begin()). – MSalters Jul 13 '09 at 10:57
  • I fail to see how `deque` iterators can be O(1), given that to iterate from one to another can require iterating over several linked clusters of items - i.e. in effect iterating over a linked list - which is definitely not O(1). I believe that `operator[]` for `deque` is only _amortized_ O(1) as well, for the same reason. – Pavel Minaev Jul 13 '09 at 20:01