I ran git status which told me everything was up to date and there were no local changes.

Then I made several consecutive changes and realized I wanted to throw everything away and get back to my original state. Will this command do it for me?

git reset --hard HEAD
Mateen Ulhaq
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Jacques René Mesrine
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19 Answers19


To revert changes made to your working copy, do this:

git checkout .

Or equivalently, for git version >= 2.23:

git restore .

To revert changes made to the index (i.e., that you have added), do this. Warning this will reset all of your unpushed commits to master!:

git reset

To revert a change that you have committed:

git revert <commit 1> <commit 2>

To remove untracked files (e.g., new files, generated files):

git clean -f

Or untracked directories (e.g., new or automatically generated directories):

git clean -fd
Mateen Ulhaq
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    fwiw after such a long time, `git checkout path/to/file` will only revert the local changes to `path/to/file` – Matijs Aug 22 '11 at 14:13
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    +1 on the answers below also mentioning git clean -f (to remove the untracked changes) and -fd (to also remove untracked directories) – ptdev Jul 05 '12 at 14:01
  • With the git command "git checkout branchId" it will be listet the modified files but no revert will be done. I must use git reset --hard – Huluvu424242 Oct 21 '12 at 11:17
  • 3
    and if you also want to clean your untracked files , read this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/61212/removing-untracked-files-from-your-git-working-copy – Surasin Tancharoen Nov 06 '12 at 09:32
  • ➜ API git:(master) ✗ git checkout . ➜ API git:(master) ✗ git reset ➜ API git:(master) ✗ git revert ... fatal: empty commit set passed ➜ API git:(master) ✗ gst On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) V1/ css/ js/ nothing changed – antiqe Feb 20 '15 at 18:49
  • Be careful: `git reset` reverts your commits to master! (It wasn't clear enough for me that *added* would include *committed*, and I have accidentally lost my changes) – falsarella Apr 24 '15 at 22:40
  • Can i revert pull changes if the changes were not committed?http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30763832/smartgit-revert-pull-changes-to-project – Android Developer Jun 10 '15 at 18:04
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    `git checkout .` and `git reset [--hard HEAD]` didn't work, I had to do a `git clean -fd` to revert my changes. – BrainSlugs83 Jun 16 '15 at 00:28
  • I added some details on `git clean` as well – 1800 INFORMATION Jun 16 '15 at 01:57
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    `git reset` doesn't reset your changes, `git reset --hard` does that. – Cerin Jul 06 '16 at 16:59
  • @Cerin `git reset` acts as `git reset --mixed` ("Resets the index but not the working tree (i.e., the changed files are preserved but not marked for commit) and reports what has not been updated. This is the default action.") which is what I said. https://git-scm.com/docs/git-reset – 1800 INFORMATION Jul 10 '16 at 22:58
  • One remark: do `git checkout .` in the root dir of your project. Or in the subdir that you want to revert. – exebook Jul 20 '16 at 05:43
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    `git checkout .` in the root of my project only applied to the files in that dir, I had to do `git checkout *` to revert all sub-directories too. – danio Apr 27 '17 at 08:30
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    _git reset_ unstages, doesn't reset unpushed commits to master – rok Dec 30 '17 at 22:48
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    The warning is totally wrong! First of all, git reset works on the current branch (HEAD) and what it does has nothing to do with the "master" branch. Also, reset has nothing to do with unpushed commits and no you don't automatically lose them just because you used git reset. – disklosr Jan 03 '18 at 10:35
  • I used git clean -fd following with git fetch & git check . It worked! – KHACHORNCHIT Jun 04 '18 at 09:48
  • You don't always have to use `--hard`. In fact, sometimes that's not right... to do. You might have more luck with the `--gentle` command. –  Dec 05 '18 at 14:56
  • Totally agree with @disklosr, the warning about `git reset` is misleading at best and false at worst. It makes the impression that `reset` will somehow revert your current branch to the `master` branch, which is totally wrong. `reset` does not operate on branches, so whatever it does refers to your current branch, even if it's not `master`. Second, it does not change the working tree, therefore you cannot lose data with `reset`. If you have unpushed commits, then the commits will disappear from the local history, but the actual files will not be changed. You can commit the same thing again! – Mike Nov 11 '20 at 05:03
  • I would be mean and down-vote this (not that it would matter), but I reverted a change (did NOT push it), and after git reset, git reset --hard, git clean, git checkout, git checkout --force... I finally figured out that maybe, the answer is 'rm -rf .; git clone... .' because the dang thing KEEPS saying I'm one commit AHEAD of the remote, and Dang it, I just reset and wiped out all my local changes so, NO I am not! Found answer below: git reset --hard origin/develop Without the origin/branch_name it won't actually fully reset.. – Traderhut Games Feb 09 '21 at 01:28
  • ```git restore .``` only for change in current dir ```git restore :/``` for all changes in the repository – Hawston Aug 24 '22 at 03:01
  • This answer is completely wrong, at least for me – Bersan Aug 26 '22 at 16:43
  • If you're used to using an IDE for git like Intellij git interface. Do a checkout on origin/develop(not on develop, but the remote origin/develop or whatever your remote branch name is). It will give you a warning that your local changes will be dropped, select yes and you should see those pesky local changes vanished! – JavaTec Aug 29 '23 at 00:30

Note: You may also want to run

git clean -fd


git reset --hard

will not remove untracked files, where as git-clean will remove any files from the tracked root directory that are not under git tracking. WARNING - BE CAREFUL WITH THIS! It is helpful to run a dry-run with git-clean first, to see what it will delete.

This is also especially useful when you get the error message

~"performing this command will cause an un-tracked file to be overwritten"

Which can occur when doing several things, one being updating a working copy when you and your friend have both added a new file of the same name, but he's committed it into source control first, and you don't care about deleting your untracked copy.

In this situation, doing a dry run will also help show you a list of files that would be overwritten.

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Antony Stubbs
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GIT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
cd $GIT/..
rm -rf $GIT
git clone ...
  • ✅ Deletes local, non-pushed commits
  • ✅ Reverts changes you made to tracked files
  • ✅ Restores tracked files you deleted
  • ✅ Deletes files/dirs listed in .gitignore (like build files)
  • ✅ Deletes files/dirs that are not tracked and not in .gitignore
  • You won't forget this approach
  • Wastes bandwidth

Following are other commands I forget daily.

Clean and reset

git clean --force -d -x
git reset --hard
  • ❌ Deletes local, non-pushed commits
  • ✅ Reverts changes you made to tracked files
  • ✅ Restores tracked files you deleted
  • ✅ Deletes files/dirs listed in .gitignore (like build files)
  • ✅ Deletes files/dirs that are not tracked and not in .gitignore


git clean --force -d -x
  • ❌ Deletes local, non-pushed commits
  • ❌ Reverts changes you made to tracked files
  • ❌ Restores tracked files you deleted
  • ✅ Deletes files/dirs listed in .gitignore (like build files)
  • ✅ Deletes files/dirs that are not tracked and not in .gitignore


git reset --hard
  • ❌ Deletes local, non-pushed commits
  • ✅ Reverts changes you made to tracked files
  • ✅ Restores tracked files you deleted
  • ❌ Deletes files/dirs listed in .gitignore (like build files)
  • ❌ Deletes files/dirs that are not tracked and not in .gitignore


Test case for confirming all the above (use bash or sh):

mkdir project
cd project
git init
echo '*.built' > .gitignore
echo 'CODE' > a.sourceCode
mkdir b
echo 'CODE' > b/b.sourceCode
cp -r b c
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial checkin'
echo 'NEW FEATURE' >> a.sourceCode
cp a.sourceCode a.built
rm -rf c
echo 'CODE' > 'd.sourceCode'

See also

  • git revert to make new commits that undo prior commits
  • git checkout to go back in time to prior commits (may require running above commands first)
  • git stash same as git reset above, but you can undo it
William Entriken
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  • Sorry for stealing from above answers. I use this reference constantly, posting mostly for me. – William Entriken Mar 20 '17 at 12:38
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    I'm pretty sure, that the first option (**Re-clone**) actually DOES "delete local, non-pushed commits" :) – Marandil May 07 '17 at 21:28
  • What does the red X and green checkmark mean? Does the red X negate the sentence next to it? – styfle May 18 '17 at 20:49
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    @styfle ✅ is something it does, ❌ is something it doesn't do – William Entriken May 25 '17 at 13:07
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    @FullDecent It's kind of confusing to read. "❌ Does NOT delete local, non-pushed commits". That means it doesn't NOT delete. The double negative means that it does delete? – styfle May 25 '17 at 17:24
  • This might make more sense in a table and put a ✅ if the command does the thing. – styfle May 25 '17 at 17:27
  • 1
    Thank you, double negatives corrected, because a single negative is MORE negative – William Entriken Aug 10 '18 at 15:27
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    About -x flag in `git clean -f -d -x`: if the -x option is specified, ignored files are also removed. This can, for example, be useful to remove all build products.- from GIT docs – Alex Jul 09 '19 at 08:35
  • i ran `git reset --hard` and it restored my tracked files but did NOT delete untracked files. in fact, when i ran `git status` after, it said `Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)`. which is what i wanted! why do you say it deletes untracked files, though? – calyxofheld Feb 07 '20 at 03:30
  • 1
    @calyxofheld it doesn't say it deletes untracked files. ❌ means "it doesn't do", ✅ means it does. In Reset part i see "❌ Deletes files/dirs that are not tracked and not in .gitignore". –  vrnvorona Oct 14 '20 at 09:31
  • It is worth noting that `git clone ...` does not work as it is, you need to replace `...` with your repository url or use your own custom clone command. – francescortiz Mar 24 '22 at 11:41

If you want to revert all changes AND be up-to-date with the current remote master (for example you find that the master HEAD has moved forward since you branched off it and your push is being 'rejected') you can use

git fetch  # will fetch the latest changes on the remote
git reset --hard origin/master # will set your local branch to match the representation of the remote just pulled down.
Michael Durrant
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    It seems important to specify `origin` in `git reset --hard origin/master` (which works) – without it (i.e. `git reset --hard`) nothing seems to be changed. – Jake Oct 01 '19 at 23:55
  • I had some local changes and not able to get rid of them by any command I did git reset --hard origin/master and it was able to pull master's changes as well – abhishek ringsia Dec 30 '19 at 09:19

After reading a bunch of answers and trying them, I've found various edge cases that mean sometimes they don't fully clean the working copy.

Here's my current bash script for doing it, which works all the time.

git reset --hard
git clean -f -d
git checkout HEAD

Run from working copy root directory.

Dominic Comtois
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Scott Davey
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Look into git-reflog. It will list all the states it remembers (default is 30 days), and you can simply checkout the one you want. For example:

$ git init > /dev/null
$ touch a
$ git add .
$ git commit -m"Add file a" > /dev/null
$ echo 'foo' >> a
$ git commit -a -m"Append foo to a" > /dev/null
$ for i in b c d e; do echo $i >>a; git commit -a -m"Append $i to a" ;done > /dev/null
$ git reset --hard HEAD^^ > /dev/null
$ cat a
$ git reflog
145c322 HEAD@{0}: HEAD^^: updating HEAD
ae7c2b3 HEAD@{1}: commit: Append e to a
fdf2c5e HEAD@{2}: commit: Append d to a
145c322 HEAD@{3}: commit: Append c to a
363e22a HEAD@{4}: commit: Append b to a
fa26c43 HEAD@{5}: commit: Append foo to a
0a392a5 HEAD@{6}: commit (initial): Add file a
$ git reset --hard HEAD@{2}
HEAD is now at fdf2c5e Append d to a
$ cat a
William Pursell
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  • thanks a ton William, for git reflog. I reset my tree to old version and not sure how to retrive to recent. your git reflog saved me. Thanks once again. – palaniraja Feb 23 '11 at 16:50
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    saved me as well! In my case my adventure with `git rebase -i` had gone wrong (ended up wiping out some commits due to an editing mistake). Thanks to this tip I'm back in a good state! – paneer_tikka May 15 '13 at 07:07
  • What do you mean by 30 days default !? – Mohe TheDreamy Nov 09 '16 at 17:04
  • @MoheTheDreamy I mean that there is a time limit. Eventually the garbage collector will delete unreachable references when their age goes over that limit. The default used to be (and maybe still is) 30 days. So older references may not be available. – William Pursell Nov 10 '16 at 00:57

simply execute -

git stash

it will remove all your local changes. and you can also use it later by executing -

git stash apply 
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DANGER AHEAD: (please read the comments. Executing the command proposed in my answer might delete more than you want)

to completely remove all files including directories I had to run

git clean -f -d
Tobias Gassmann
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    To save anyone the pain I just went through: this will delete .gitignore-d files too! – landons Sep 17 '13 at 21:06
  • sorry if I caused you any trouble. Back then I just tried to revert and delete everything in that folder. I don't recall the exact circumstances, but the "-d" was the only thing working for me. I hope I did not cause you too much pain :-) – Tobias Gassmann Nov 27 '13 at 15:35
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    no harm done. I had backups, but this probably warrants a disclaimer ;) – landons Nov 27 '13 at 17:20

Try this if you are in top project directory:

git restore .

If not then use:

git restore :/

If you would like to revert local changes for a subset:

  • restore all working tree files with top pathspec magic: git restore :/
  • restore all files in the current directory: git restore .
  • file type (e.g. all C source files): git restore '*.c'

For details see git restore documentation.

To remove untracked files: git clean -f

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  • Thanks for this. That "magic" is an abomination, though. Why not support a wildcard? – pdoherty926 Sep 13 '21 at 15:13
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    [SO post on pathspec](https://stackoverflow.com/q/27711924/183120) for those wondering. @pdoherty926 pathspec also has wildcards included in its syntax; not sure how well though. – legends2k Mar 02 '22 at 16:17

I met a similar problem. The solution is to use git log to look up which version of the local commit is different from the remote. (E.g. the version is 3c74a11530697214cbcc4b7b98bf7a65952a34ec).

Then use git reset --hard 3c74a11530697214cbcc4b7b98bf7a65952a34ec to revert the change.

the Tin Man
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I searched for a similar issue,

Wanted to throw away local commits:

  1. cloned the repository (git clone)
  2. switched to dev branch (git checkout dev)
  3. did few commits (git commit -m "commit 1")
  4. but decided to throw away these local commits to go back to remote (origin/dev)

So did the below:

git reset --hard origin/dev


git status  

        On branch dev  
        Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.  
        nothing to commit, working tree clean  

now local commits are lost, back to the initial cloned state, point 1 above.

Manohar Reddy Poreddy
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The other answers seemed way too complicated, so here is a simple solution that worked for me:

How to discard all local changes and reset the files to the last commit on my current branch?

# Execute on the root of the working tree...

# Discard all changes to tracked files
git checkout .

# Remove all untracked files 
git clean -fd

Note: ignored files will remain unaffected

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Try this for revert all changes uncommited in local branch

$ git reset --hard HEAD

But if you see a error like this:

fatal: Unable to create '/directory/for/your/project/.git/index.lock': File exists.

You can navigate to '.git' folder then delete index.lock file:

$ cd /directory/for/your/project/.git/
$ rm index.lock

Finaly, run again the command:

$ git reset --hard HEAD
Janderson Silva
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Two simple steps

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master

or if your git uses main instead master use this:

git reset --hard origin/main
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Adding another option here.

I'm referring to the title: Revert local changes.
It can also apply to changes that weren't staged for commit.

In this case you can use:

git restore <file>

To go back to previous state.

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You may not necessarily want/need to stash your work/files in your working directory but instead simply get rid of them completely. The command git clean will do this for you.

Some common use cases for doing this would be to remove cruft that has been generated by merges or external tools or remove other files so that you can run a clean build.

Keep in mind you will want to be very cautious of this command, since its designed to remove files from your local working directory that are NOT TRACKED. if you suddenly change your mind after executing this command, there is no going back to see the content of the files that were removed. An alternative which is safer is to execute

git stash --all

which will remove everything but save it all in a stash. This stash can then later be used.

However, if you truly DO want to remove all the files and clean your working directory, you should execute

git clean -f -d

This will remove any files and also any sub-directories that don't have any items as a result of the command. A smart thing to do before executing the git clean -f -d command is to run

git clean -f -d -n

which will show you a preview of what WILL be removed after executing git clean -f -d

So here is a summary of your options from most aggressive to least aggressive

Option 1: Remove all files locally(Most aggressive)

git clean -f -d

Option 2: Preview the above impact(Preview most aggressive)

git clean -f -d -n

Option 3: Stash all files (Least aggressive)

git stash --all
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  • I believe this answer is basically wrong. `clean -fd` deals with ***new*** files, but doesn't revert modifications. – Fattie Nov 30 '22 at 19:20

If you just want to delete all the changes, go for git checkout . It's the faster and simpler one.

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This question is more about broader repository reset / revert, but in case if you're interested in reverting individual change - I've added similar answer in here:


Answers to questions:

  • How to revert individual change with or without change preserving in git history

  • How to return back to old version to restart from same state

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Using git version "2.37.1"

I reverted all my local changes ( not yet committed ) to previous state ( prior to my local changes ) by using the following command :

git checkout -p

Documentation snippet :

you can use git checkout -p to selectively discard edits from your current working tree

From man git-checkout

  -p, --patch
       Interactively select hunks in the difference between the <tree-ish>
       (or the index, if unspecified) and the working tree. The chosen
       hunks are then applied in reverse to the working tree (and if a
       <tree-ish> was specified, the index).

       **This means that you can use git checkout -p to selectively discard
       edits from your current working tree.** See the “Interactive Mode”
       section of git-add(1) to learn how to operate the --patch mode.

       Note that this option uses the no overlay mode by default (see also
       --overlay), and currently doesn’t support overlay mode.
Sarfraaz Ahmed
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