
Possible Duplicate:
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?

I have some php code like

$query="SELECT RollNo,Name FROM student" ;
$result = $mysql->execute_sql_query($query);
while(@$rows = mysql_fetch_array($result))
        $studentArray[] = array("rollNo" => $rows['RollNo'], "name" => $rows['Name']);      

My doubt is why use @ in the line

while(@$rows = mysql_fetch_array($result))

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  • it doesn't throw error means.. it spressed error message – GBD Nov 07 '12 at 09:15
  • It suppresses errors -> http://us3.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.errorcontrol.php – Manse Nov 07 '12 at 09:15
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    Is your question about best practices, or about what `@` means? – deceze Nov 07 '12 at 09:16
  • quick comment, as the question is already closed.. the `@` at that line makes no sense, if one wants to use it at all, it should be before a function or when referencing a variable member ($a[x]).. And the obigatory warning: use mysqli or pdo, never relay on the pure mysql_* functions – cypherabe Nov 07 '12 at 09:24

1 Answers1


It suppresses error messages - see Error Control Operators in the PHP manual.

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