Possible Duplicate:
Why doesn’t getchar() recognise return as EOF in windows console?

I'm trying to print out the value in the variable 'nc' in the next program:

int main()

 long nc;
 nc = 0;

 while (getchar() != EOF)
 printf("%ld\n", nc); 

Please tell me why is it not printing?

Andrew Brēza
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5 Answers5


You don't have brackets in your while loop (this is why not using brackets leads to error prone software). Therefore, the value is getting incremented, but not printing.


int main(int argc, char** argv)
    long nc;
    nc = 0;

    while (getchar() != EOF)
    { // ADD THIS
        printf("%ld\n", nc); 
    } // AND THIS

otherwise, your code is essentially doing:

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    long nc;
    nc = 0;

    while (getchar() != EOF)
        ++nc; // ENDLESSLY ADDING
    printf("%ld\n", nc); // NEVER REACHED DUE TO WHILE LOOP.
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  • too bad there is no feature that you can add certain people that help you in the past to future question :) @Inisheer – MNY Jan 11 '13 at 21:30
  • @user1959174 Maybe, but I could certainly see that getting out of hand as well :P . – Inisheer Jan 11 '13 at 21:31
  • hah yes i know, this is probably the reason they didnt do it in the first place. I'm sure they though of that @Inisheer . tell me buddy, I just recently started to learn programming and took C as the first language cause people recomanded me that if I want to learn Objective -C, it will be good o have a solid understanding of C. I started couple of days ago with the book "the c programming language" (k&r), do you think its a good book for programming beginners? – MNY Jan 11 '13 at 21:34
  • @user1959174 See here for good recommendations: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/562303/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list?rq=1 – Inisheer Jan 12 '13 at 14:29

Your while loop will continue to loop until you end the input using Control-D on Unix or Control-Z, Return on Windows. It will do this without printing anything because you did not use braces around the ++nc and printf.

You may also have problems with printf if you did not #include <stdio.h> at the top of your program. If the compiler does not know that printf is a varargs function, it will not format the argument list correctly when calling it.

Zan Lynx
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after entering some inputs like

1 2 4 u must type ctrl + D since its the EOF ASCII equivalent.

Else modify the progeam and put

while(getchar()!='\r') (until you hit Enter)

Sagar Sakre
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What do you mean? It works:


echo "Try to count this" | ./a.out 
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you have to stop reading characters from stdin by stopping the while loop of getchar

and then you will see the nc value printed

To do

EOF = CTRL + D (for Linux)

EOF = CTRL + Z (for Windows)

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