The following code returns the value twice, once encoded in JSON :

    $req = $bdd->prepare('SELECT Date, Open, Close FROM quotes WHERE Symbol = ? AND Date > ? AND Date < ?');
    $req->execute(array($_GET['id'], $_GET['datemin'], $_GET['datemax']));

    while ($donnees = $req->fetch())
        $test[] = $donnees;

    echo json_encode($test);


I read on some post I have to use fetch_assoc() instead of fetch_array().

But the following code returns nothing : while ($donnees = $req->fetch_assoc()). Nor does this one : while ($donnees = $req->fetch_array()).
I don't get what's wrong.

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2 Answers2


See manual.

You should try:

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Well I don't know what req is, but my guess is that it's a PDOStatement object, which only has fetch and fetchAll methods (no fetch_assoc or fetch_array).

You can change PDO's fetch style with the first argument to fetch. It defaults to PDO::FETCH_BOTH (which is like mysql_fetch_array). You can set it to PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, which is like mysql_fetch_assoc if you like.

//global setting

If it's not a PDOStatement, then whatever it is doesn't have fetch_assoc or fetch_array methods. You'll have to look up how to change the fetch mode for whatever it is.

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