In my Windows 8 metro app I have a table in a SQLite database on occasion will have to be updated with a large amount of records (around 500 to 600). I get the records from a web service and I loop through the records and insert them into a table. The problem is that this operation is taking about 10 to 15 seconds and it is locking the UI including the progress bar. The code is below.

await this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
    foreach (var item in body3)
        db.Insert(new Site
              siteName = item.siteName,
              siteAddress = item.siteAddress,
              siteCity = item.siteCity,
              siteState = item.siteState,
              siteID = item.siteID
        progressBar.Value = i;                                

I'm thinking it's a problem with SQLite. I can't seem to catch exceptions from it either.

I think my real question here is how to get this to run correctly in another thread so it doesn't affect the UI. I'm not that concerned that it takes a while to insert the records. I just want the UI to stay responsive.

Brian Kalski
  • 897
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2 Answers2


--don't update your UI from every insert in the loop... maybe every 20% if it's needed at all

--Use a transaction -- http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html #19 and here Improve INSERT-per-second performance of SQLite?

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Chad Brockman
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Try in this way.

foreach (var item in body3)
    db.RunInTransaction(() =>
        db.Insert(new Site
            siteName = item.siteName,
            siteAddress = item.siteAddress,
            siteCity = item.siteCity,
            siteState = item.siteState,
            siteID = item.siteID
    await this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
        progressBar.Value = i;                                
Farhan Ghumra
  • 15,180
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    Actually what worked better is wrapping the foreach loop in a transaction. Now the process is so fast I don't need the progress bar anymore. It went from around 10 to 15 seconds to less than a second. – Brian Kalski Jun 07 '13 at 03:22
  • Downvoted... it makes no sense to have your Transaction inside the Foreach loop! This will create a new connection / transaction per row and won't be any faster than what the OP did. Per Brian's comment - the foreach goes inside the transaction. Or, simply use SQLiteConnection.InsertAll(Collection). – maplemale Jan 21 '18 at 01:32