
I have an error on line 41: expected expression before 'int' line 45: suggest parentheses around comparison in operand of '&'

Also I wanted to make sure if the code from 43-45 made sense.

I am posting on this forum for the first time and I am new to C so please bear with the amateur nature of this post

int main(void)


 int bricks; //the number of bricks available
 int spheres; //the number of spheres available
 int prisms; //the number of prisms available
 int final_string(int bricks, int spheres, int prisms); //the longest possible string with the given shapes in an alternating fashion


 printf("\nEnter the number of bricks: ");
 scanf("%d", &bricks);
 printf("Enter the number of spheres: ");
 scanf("%d", &spheres);
 printf("Enter the number of prisms: ");
 scanf("%d", &prisms);
 printf("\nLongest possible string of alternating shapes usuing only two different shapes: %d", int final_string(int bricks, int spheres, int prisms));

 int final_string(int bricks,int spheres,int prisms);
 return bricks * (bricks > spheres & bricks > prisms) + spheres * (spheres > bricks & spheres > prisms) + prisms * (prisms > bricks & prisms > spheres);

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3 Answers3

  1. Remove all the ints from the line:

    printf("\nLongest possible string of alternating shapes usuing only two different shapes: %d", int final_string(int bricks, int spheres, int prisms));
  2. Remove the semicolon after the function signature in the definition of final_string

  3. Move final_string outside of main
  4. Use the logical && operator instead of the bitwise &
  5. Buy and read a C book
  6. In the future ask "questions" like this on http://codereview.stackexchange.com
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Taylor Brandstetter
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The line,

printf("\nLongest possible string of alternating shapes usuing only two different shapes: %d",  int final_string(int bricks, int spheres, int prisms));

is wrong. In this line, int final_string(int bricks, int spheres, int prisms) is declaration of function and not calling it. Replace it with final_string(bricks, spheres, prisms).

And define that function outside main. In C, function can't nest. So your corrected code would look,

int main(void)

   int bricks; //the number of bricks available
   int spheres; //the number of spheres available
   int prisms; //the number of prisms available
   int final_string(int bricks, int spheres, int prisms); //the longest possible string with the given shapes in an alternating fashion


   printf("\nEnter the number of bricks: ");
   scanf("%d", &bricks);
   printf("Enter the number of spheres: ");
   scanf("%d", &spheres);
   printf("Enter the number of prisms: ");
   scanf("%d", &prisms);
   printf("\nLongest possible string of alternating shapes usuing only two different   shapes: %d", final_string( bricks,  spheres, prisms));

int final_string(int bricks,int spheres,int prisms)
    return bricks * (bricks > spheres & bricks > prisms) + spheres * (spheres > bricks & spheres > prisms) + prisms * (prisms > bricks & prisms > spheres);
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Here you go :


As said above you put too many "int" ";" after the function signature when implementing it and & instead of &&

Avner Solomon
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