
New to Java. I understand that strings are immutable, but I don't understand why the output here is the way it is.

The goal: I'm trying to ask a user a question "What class do you want to be?", the user answers. Their answer is stored in a string variable (classEntered), and passed into the setClass method which returns starting HP and starting gold based on what was input into classEntered.

The problem: When The user enters what kind of character they want to be (i.e. warlock or warrior), playerClass gets updated properly. But the output (startingHP / startingGold) do not respond correctly.

Here is the code:

    class Player {

        String playerName;
        String playerClass;
        int startingGold;
        int startingHP;

        public void setName(String playerName){
            this.playerName = playerName;

        public void setClass(String newClass){
            playerClass = newClass;
            if(playerClass == "Warlock"){
                startingHP = 100;
                startingGold = 25;
            }else if (playerClass == "Warrior"){
                startingHP = 150;
                startingGold = 30; 

    public class App {

        public static void main(String[] args) {

            // practice code: if playerClass defined this way the output is correct
            Player player1 = new Player();

            System.out.println("Your name is: " + player1.playerName);
            System.out.println("You're a " + player1.playerClass);
            System.out.println("Your starting HP is " + player1.startingHP + " your starting gold is " + player1.startingGold);

            Player player2 = new Player();
            Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
                    System.out.println("What class do you choose? ");
            String classEntered = sc.nextLine();
            System.out.println("testing " + player2.playerClass);
            //output is incorrect when playerClass defined via scanner
            System.out.println("Your name is: " + player2.playerName);
            System.out.println("You're a " + player2.playerClass);
            System.out.println("Your starting HP is " + player2.startingHP + " your starting gold is " + player2.startingGold);

Chris Mantle
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1 Answers1


Strings in Java are case-sensitive. When your player inputs his class, he must write it exactly as you're comparing it in the setClass API.

Secondly, you must use equals method to comparing string contents.

    startingHP = 100;
    startingGold = 25;
else if (playerClass.equals("Warrior"))
    startingHP = 150;
    startingGold = 30; 

In your code, the code wasn't entering neither branch of the IF statement.


  • Use constants for your classes, or even separate classes/enums.
  • Make setters and getters for your HP and Gold. Respect encapsulation.
  • Make sure you tell the use that a class doesn't exist, if he enters "elf", for example.
  • To make your classes case-insensitive, use equalsIgnoreCase to compare strings, instead of equals
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