I have a script

    var txt=$(this).val();

       type: "POST",
       url: "action.php",
       data: 'txt='+txt,
       cache: false,
       success: function(html)



Suppose someone types a ,ajax runs . Immediately he types b c and so on. Ajax runs everytime. Is there a way to stop previous request when new is made ?

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  • Why don't you start only one request after the last keystroke? – Andreas Oct 28 '13 at 12:03
  • possible duplicate of [Abort Ajax requests using jQuery](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/446594/abort-ajax-requests-using-jquery) –  Oct 28 '13 at 12:04
  • @Andreas i was using loading image to show processing. `setTimeout` was giving me problem with loading image show n hide. – Ace Oct 28 '13 at 12:28
  • Possible duplicate of [Abort previous ajax request on new request](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19244341/abort-previous-ajax-request-on-new-request) – The Codesee Jul 01 '17 at 13:25

2 Answers2


You can use the abort() method of the xhr. Try this:

var currentXhr;
    currentXhr && currentXhr.readyState != 4 && currentXhr.abort(); // clear previous request

    var txt = $(this).val();
    var currentXhr = $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        url: "action.php",
        data: 'txt=' + txt,
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {

If you don't want to use a global variable, you could store the xhr in a data-* attribute of the #postinput element.

Another method is to only fire the AJAX request when the user has stopped typing:

var timer;

    var txt = $(this).val();
    var timer = setTimeout(function() {
            type: "POST",
            url: "action.php",
            data: 'txt=' + txt,
            cache: false,
            success: function(html) {
    }, 100); // sends request 100ms after typing stops.
Rory McCrossan
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  • Hey tnx. I wanted to ask 2 things . Whatever im trying to do.. is it a wrong practice to stop ajax ? Suppose i'm using multiple ajax. the above code won't affect other ones ryt? – Ace Oct 28 '13 at 12:05
  • Stopping AJAX isn't a bad thing at all. I'd say it's a very good thing to stop AJAX requests which are out of date. By storing the reference you will only stop processing of that specific request, all others will be unaffected. – Rory McCrossan Oct 28 '13 at 12:06

You can do like this with Jquery-

jaxRequests = new Array();

queueRequest = function(whatever, you, want) {
    if(ajaxRequests[ajaxRequests.length - 1]) {
        ajaxRequests[ajaxRequests.length - 1].abort();

    ajaxRequests[ajaxRequests.length] = //Insert New jQuery AJAX call here.
Suresh Kamrushi
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