My env is Windows8.1 (64bit) and using Visual Studio 2010.

I did put all *.dll files in system32 , SYSWOW64(because I use win8 64bit.)

and link location where *.lib file for x64-system with VC 2010.

of course, I add additional folder lib forders.. , include folders.. etc..

but when I try compile "pthread-used" project, fatal error has occur.


int doit_id,trd_id;
pthread_t trd;
void *doit(void *data){
    doit_id = (int)data;
    return 0;
int main(){
    return (0);


1.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__pthread_create (referenced in function _main)
C:\Users\~program Location~ : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

please,help me

Hayri Uğur Koltuk
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  • Are you trying to return a value in a method of return type void? – Scott Solmer Nov 16 '13 at 15:46
  • You added additional lib forder. Did you add required .lib file to the linker dependencies list? – Alex F Nov 16 '13 at 17:11
  • Okuma.Scott // It just nothing. It doesn't matter return value exist or non-exist in that case.//// Alex Faber // of course, I linked *.lib files in dependencies list on VC project configure. – KORCJ Nov 17 '13 at 01:08
  • Okuma.Scott // also, When I set return value there, I can get that value in pthread_join. – KORCJ Nov 17 '13 at 02:25
  • 2
    Does this answer your question? [How to set up pthreads on windows?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19467455/how-to-set-up-pthreads-on-windows) – Henke Feb 06 '22 at 13:27

1 Answers1


The fact that your main() is looking for the name __imp__pthread_create indicates that you're building your project for a 32-bit target.

The 64-bit Win32 pthread library has a import symbol for pthread_create() with the name:


The 32-bit Win32 pthread libary has:


Note the extra underscore in the 32-bit lib - that matches the name convention that your main() is looking for, so it's an indication that you're building for a 32-bit target. The extra underscore is part of how x86 builds treat names in the cdecl calling convention used by the Win32 pthread library. x64 doesn't use a cdecl calling convention (x64 has only a single calling convention) and underscores are not prepended to symbols in x64 builds.

I think you need to either download or build the 32-bit pthread library or change your project configuration to build for a 64-bit target.

Michael Burr
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