In first page of the website, there's a slider, a big photo with some thumbnails, when you click on thumbnails the big photo changes. there are some:

<a class="top_block_link" id="selectable1">Lorem Ispium</a>

when someone clicks on it, current html changes to new big photos and their thumbnails. problem is here that now when I click on thumbnails the big photo doesn't change. this is my jquery:

$(function() {  
        var anchorId = $(this).attr("id");
                $.ajax({url:"selectable.php?q="+ anchorId ,success:function(result){
                    result = result.split('||');
                  function errFunc (xhr,status, strErr) {
                            $("#panelContainer").html("connecting error happened");

as far as I know after loading ajax, jquery can't handle the events on the new attached html. what can I do about it? thank you

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1 Answers1


on is working here... Lorem Ispium

Javascript code":

      $(function() {  
    var anchorId = $(this).attr("id");
                url:"selectable.php?q="+ anchorId,
                result = result.split('||');
                function(xhr,status, strErr){
                    $("#panelContainer").html("connecting error happened");


you can also check it on jsfiddle.. Demo

Manoj Pilania
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  • thanks manoj that worked! but there is another problem, when ajax has been loaded coda slider lose its sliding effect! – gegham Jan 04 '14 at 03:58