I am a beginner-intermediate java programmer and I am getting a null pointer exception from my array-list. I am writing a bookstore program for APCS and when I add the book, it is supposed to add to the array-list in the inventory class. But when I call a method to search for a book (e.g. by title), it shows that there isn't anything in the array-list.

//Here is my inventory class --> it has all methods for adding the book or searching for one The searching methods are in getBookByTitle, getBookByAuthor, and getBookByISBN and the method for adding a book is addBook

package webbazonab;

//Inventory Class

//Bharath Senthil
//Ansh Sikka

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Inventory{
private ArrayList<Book> allBooks = new ArrayList<Book>();
    private String bookTitles;
    private String bookAuthors;
    private String bookPrices;
    private String bookCopies;
    private String ISBNs;

public Inventory()
//@param double price, int copies, String bookTitle, String Author, String isbnNumber
public void addBooks(Book addedBook){

public boolean isAvailable(){
    for(Book myBook : allBooks){
        if(myBook.copiesLeft() == 0)
            return false;

    return true;
    public String populateTitle(){
        for (Book titleBooks : allBooks){
            bookTitles = titleBooks.getTitle() + "\n";
            return bookTitles;
        return bookTitles;
    public String populateAuthor(){
        for(Book authorBooks : allBooks){
            bookAuthors = authorBooks.getAuthor() + "\n";
            return bookAuthors;
        return bookAuthors;
    public String populatePrice(){
        for (Book pricedBooks : allBooks){
            bookPrices = String.valueOf(pricedBooks.getPrice()) + "\n";

       return "$" + bookPrices;      

 * @return
public String populateCopies(){
        for (Book amtBooks : allBooks){
            bookCopies = String.valueOf(amtBooks.copiesLeft()) + "\n";
            return bookCopies;
        return bookCopies;
    public String populateISBN(){
        for (Book isbnNums : allBooks){
            ISBNs = isbnNums.getIsbn() + "\n";
            return ISBNs;
        return ISBNs;

    public Book getBookByTitle(String titleSearch) {
        for(Book titleBook : allBooks) {
            if (titleBook.getTitle().equals(titleSearch)) {
                return titleBook;
        return null;
    public Book getBookByISBN(String isbnSearch){
        for(Book isbnBookSearches : allBooks){
                    return isbnBookSearches;
        return null;
    public Book getBookByAuthor(String authorSearch){
        for(Book authorBookSearches : allBooks){
                return authorBookSearches;
        return null;
    public void sort(){
        for(int i = 0; i < allBooks.size(); i++)
    for(int k = 0; k < allBooks.size(); k++)
                if(((Book) allBooks.get(i)).getIsbn().compareTo(((Book) allBooks.get(k)).getIsbn()) < 1)
        Book temp = (Book) allBooks.get(k);
        allBooks.set(k, allBooks.get(i));
        allBooks.set(i, temp);
                else if(((Book) allBooks.get(i)).getIsbn().compareTo(((Book) allBooks.get(k)).getIsbn()) > 1)
                    Book temp = (Book) allBooks.get(i);
                    allBooks.set(i, allBooks.get(k));
        allBooks.set(k, temp);
    public ArrayList<Book> getBooks(){
        return allBooks;


//The exception occurs when i call the method here (in another class):
        Inventory lib = new Inventory();

Here is my book class if you need it

package webbazonab;

//Webbazon AB 
//Project By: Ansh Sikka and Bharath Senthil

public class Book

private double myPrice;
private String myTitle;
private String bookAuthor;
private String isbn;
private int myCopies;   

public Book(double price, int copies, String bookTitle, String Author, String isbnNumber)
    myPrice = price;
    myCopies = copies;
    myTitle = bookTitle;
    bookAuthor = Author;
    isbn = isbnNumber;

public double getPrice()
    return myPrice;

public String getIsbn()
    return isbn;
public String getTitle()
    return myTitle;
public String getAuthor()
    return bookAuthor;
public int copiesLeft(){
    return myCopies;
    public String notFound(){
        return "The book you searched for could not be found!";
public String toString()
    return "Title: " + getTitle() + "\nAuthor: " + getAuthor() + "\nNumber of Available Books: " + copiesLeft() + "\nPrice: $" + getPrice(); 



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2 Answers2


After you create your Inventory object, you don't add any Books to it before searching by author. If there are no books, you will always get a null-pointer exception.

Since getBooksByAuthor() can return null, when you call that method you need verify that you did not get a null value back:

Inventory lib = new Inventory();
// should be adding books here
Book bookFromAuthor = lib.getBookByAuthor(authorSearch);
if (bookFromAuthor != null) {
else {
   // some other action i.e. display "Not found"
Hunter McMillen
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The getBookByAuthor could return null. Then you will trigger null.getTitle(); that is the cause of NullPointerException.

//The exception occurs when i call the method here (in another class):
        Inventory lib = new Inventory();

Try null object design pattern - http://www.cs.oberlin.edu/~jwalker/nullObjPattern/

or return a new Book object with a default title like "BOOK NOT FOUND".

Alex Sales
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