Consider the following sqlite3 table:

| col1 | col2 |
| 1    | 200  |
| 1    | 200  |
| 1    | 100  |
| 1    | 200  |
| 2    | 400  |
| 2    | 200  |
| 2    | 100  |
| 3    | 200  |
| 3    | 200  |
| 3    | 100  |

I'm trying to write a query that will select the entire table and return 1 if the value in col2 is 200, and 0 otherwise. For example:

| col1 | SOMEFUNCTION(col2) |
| 1    | 1                  |
| 1    | 1                  |
| 1    | 0                  |
| 1    | 1                  |
| 2    | 0                  |
| 2    | 1                  |
| 2    | 0                  |
| 3    | 1                  |
| 3    | 1                  |
| 3    | 0                  |


Thanks in advance...

Barry Fruitman
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  • You could use something like what is described in [this answer.](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63447/how-do-you-perform-an-if-then-in-an-sql-select) – Adam Jun 10 '14 at 18:58

2 Answers2


In SQLite, boolean values are just integer values 0 and 1, so you can use the comparison directly:

SELECT col1, col2 = 200 AS SomeFunction FROM MyTable
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Like described in Does sqlite support any kind of IF(condition) statement in a select you can use the case keyword.

SELECT col1,CASE WHEN col2=200 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS col2 FROM table1
  • 1
  • 1
Paul Kertscher
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