I have a WebView in a vertical linear layout, after i load the web content (exactly an email) i want that the WebView size will fit the email so that i can't use zoom. Because the linear layout is in a ScrollView so i don't want the "double" scroll effect (WebView scoll in a scrollview).

What i want is simply the email content that will fit in the linear layout that i can scroll down.

I got the email content from a post request and added it to the WebView like this:

String content = jsonResult.getString("html_body");

mWvResponseOf.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, content, "text/html", "utf-8", null);

Any help?

Mauro Valvano
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1 Answers1


What you can do is use TextView inside your LinearLayout. Then use Html.fromHtml() method to get your work done.

For more clarification refer : How to display HTML in TextView?

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Ravi Bhatt
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