I have two tables, things and properties:


CREATE TABLE properties (
  thing_id INT,
  key TEXT,
  value TEXT

I want to select from things and join rows from properties as columns. For example, say I have the following:

INSERT INTO things DEFAULT_VALUES;  -- suppose id is 1
INSERT INTO properties (thing_id, key, value) VALUES
  (1, 'height', '5'),
  (1, 'width', '6'),
  (1, 'length', '7');

How can I select from things with height, width, and length as columns?

Also, I don't want to specifically select height, width, and length, but any rows that may be inside properties.

Craig Ringer
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  • Do you know what columns you want in the final result set? If not, you need to do this using dynamic SQL. – Gordon Linoff Jul 25 '14 at 00:08
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    Search for pivot, crosstab, dynamic SQL – Clodoaldo Neto Jul 25 '14 at 00:15
  • A complete solution is not easy. For some cases a simpler solution is good enough. [Check one recent answer of mine](http://stackoverflow.com/a/24813587/131874). If it interest you I can write it for your case. – Clodoaldo Neto Jul 25 '14 at 00:22
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    Ah, welcome to EAV design. Hopefully you sanitize inputs to `key` and `value`, or you'll get stuff like `key = 'Height'` (note capitalization), `key = 'hight'` (spelling), or `key = ' height'` (whitespace), and stuff like `key = 'height', value = 'five'`. 90+% of the time you can group/pivot rows into related tables (here, perhaps `Bounding_Box_Dimensions` or something) - most systems simply don't need the flexibility (because these are generally a pain to query/update safely). – Clockwork-Muse Jul 25 '14 at 01:55

2 Answers2


For just three columns:

SELECT t.thing_id
      ,max(CASE WHEN p.key = 'height' THEN p.value END) AS height
      ,max(CASE WHEN p.key = 'width'  THEN p.value END) AS width
      ,max(CASE WHEN p.key = 'length' THEN p.value END) AS length
FROM   things t
LEFT   JOIN properties p ON p.thing_id = t.id
WHERE  t.id = 1

Or use crosstab() from the additional module tablefunc which is typically faster, and shorter for long lists of attributes:

SELECT * FROM crosstab(
      'SELECT t.thing_id, p.key, p.value
       FROM   things t
       LEFT   JOIN properties p ON p.thing_id = t.id
       WHERE  t.id = 1
       ORDER  BY 1'

      ,$$VALUES ('height'::text), ('width'), ('length')$$) -- add more
AS ct (thing_id int, height int, width int, length int);   -- add more

Types have to match. Detailed explanation:

A completely dynamic list of columns cannot be achieved in a single query. I have tried many times. Here is what can be done:

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Erwin Brandstetter
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    Did you mean to left join table THINGS with PROPERTIES (not properties w/ propertie)? Also he said that those are not the only 3 columns he wants. – Brian DeMilia Jul 25 '14 at 00:20
  • Thanks for the answer, and for the meta-answer that a completely dynamic list of columns is impossible. For those curious, I ended up using an [`hstore`](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/hstore.html) instead. –  Jul 26 '14 at 23:01
  • Two things you might be interested in: [`jsonb` in the upcoming Postgres 9.4](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24292575/how-to-query-a-json-column-for-empty-objects/24296054#24296054) and [this related question on dba.SE about EAV with detailed answers](http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/20759/is-there-a-name-for-this-database-structure). – Erwin Brandstetter Jul 27 '14 at 00:58

May be you can try table aliases here:

SELECT  p1.key, p2.key, p3.key
  FROM properties as t1
  JOIN properties AS p1 ON p1.thing_id= t1.thing_id
  JOIN properties AS p2 ON p2.thing_id= t1.thing_id
  JOIN properties AS p3 ON p3.thing_id= t1.thing_id
 WHERE t1.thing_id = 1;
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