Once Spring container started, is it possible to programmatically print out all the injected info including bean id, dependencies etc. Thanks!

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  • possible duplicate of [Is there tooling to visualize a live Spring application context?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425794/is-there-tooling-to-visualize-a-live-spring-application-context) – Software Engineer Jan 09 '15 at 22:05
  • @EngineerDollery I am looking at a programmatic solution. – Bobo Jan 09 '15 at 22:10
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    Cool -- duplicate close vote retracted. Now, if you'll just read [ask], and show us what you've tried I'll be happy to retract the 'hasn't even tried to solve the problem themselves' close vote ;) – Software Engineer Jan 09 '15 at 22:12
  • Also, why would you want to do that when there are plenty of tools, available for free I think (or on trial otherwise), such as IntelliJ, which will do it for you any time you ask. – Software Engineer Jan 09 '15 at 22:14
  • ps: sorry -- too many comments. If you are *really* interested, look at: ApplicationContextAware – Software Engineer Jan 09 '15 at 22:15
  • @EngineerDollery My work is based on a large, very complex commercial platform built on spring. There are a lot constrains including choice of IDES. My best shot is to do it programmatically. – Bobo Jan 09 '15 at 22:30
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    There are so many things wrong with that comment. However, you still haven't worked out how to use SO effectively. Again, I'll ask you to read [ask]. You probably aren't going to get a good answer unless you expend some energy solving the problem yourself and show us what you've tried. We're not here to do your work for you, but to help you when you're stuck trying something unfamiliar. – Software Engineer Jan 10 '15 at 19:37

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