Write a program that will ask the user for the number of adult tickets, the number of children’s tickets, whether they want reserve or general admission, and whether they have a radio voucher to use. Calculate the cost of the order.

There are two levels of tickets, Reserved for $55.00 each or General Admissions at $35.00 each. Kids under 12 are half off. The local radio station is running a special. If you call in, they will send you a voucher that will give you a 20% discount.

All orders over $200 get a 10% discount on the final price (after other discounts are applied) and those over $400 get 15% off.

My code so far...

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // variables
    int adultTix;
    int childTix;
    int RESERVED = 55;
    double radioDiscount = .20;
    double ticketTotal = 0;

    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("How many adult tickets?");
    adultTix = scan.nextInt();
    System.out.println("How many kids tickets?");
    childTix = scan.nextInt();
    System.out.println("Reserved tickets are $55 each and General Admission is $35."
                    + " Would you like Reserved or General Admission? (enter GA or RE only):");
    String tixType = scan.nextLine();
    if (tixType == "GA" || tixType == "ga") 

        ticketTotal = ((adultTix * GENERAL_ADMISSION) + ((childTix * GENERAL_ADMISSION) / 2));
    else if (tixType == "RE" || tixType == "re")
        ticketTotal = ((adultTix * RESERVED) + ((childTix * RESERVED) / 2));

    System.out.println("Do you have a radio voucher? (enter yes or no):");
    String radioQ = scan.nextLine();

    if (radioQ == "yes")
        System.out.print("With the radio discount, you will save 20%!");
         if (radioQ == "no")
            System.out.println("No radio discount.");

         double radioT;
    radioT = ((ticketTotal - (ticketTotal * radioDiscount)));
    if (radioT >= 200 && radioT < 400)
        System.out.println("With a 10% discount, your total is: $"
                + (radioT * .9));
    else if (radioT > 400)
        System.out.println("With a 15% discount, your total is: $"
                + (radioT * .85));


Asks all of the questions correctly but doesn't return an output. This is a simple Java program so I would like the simplest answer possible

Jørgen R
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2 Answers2


The problem is that none of your ifs and elses are firing correctly because you're comparing your strings incorrectly.

Instead of if (str == "value") you need if (str.equals("value")) everywhere. In cases where you want a case-insensitive match like if (str == "value" || str == "VALUE") you need if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("value")) instead.

Please check out How do I compare Strings in Java? for more info

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Ravi K Thapliyal
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Couple of issues:

  • When testing for equality amongst objects, you should always use equals method and now "==" which means you are comparing two object reference. So change the following from

    if (tixType == "GA" || tixType == "ga")


if (tixType.equalsIgnoreCase("ga")) 

Same for other string comparison.

  • After asking for whether user has radio voucher or not, you should then only do calculation related to radio voucher like:

    if (radioQ == "yes")//use equalsIgnoreCase method of String
       System.out.print("With the radio discount, you will save 20%!");
       radioT = ((ticketTotal - (ticketTotal * radioDiscount)));
       if (radioT >= 200 && radioT < 400)
           System.out.println("With a 10% discount, your total is: $"
            + (radioT * .9));
       else if (radioT > 400)
           System.out.println("With a 15% discount, your total is: $"
             + (radioT * .85));
       //apply discount on ticket total?
    } else ...
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