I'm writing a Calculator in C from scratch (homework assignment) and have troubles with memory somewhere.. The algorithm works perfectly, but I'm getting a set of Valgrind errors/warnings, e.g.:

echo -n "1" | valgrind ./a.out --track-origins=yes

==14261== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==14261==    at 0x400B9F: create_rpn (main.c:53)
==14261==    by 0x400742: main (main.c:253)

My makefile:

    gcc main.c -g -O2 -Wall -Werror -std=c99

My source code is below (and on GitHub). Can you help with it? Thank you in advance!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX_LEN 1024

// needs to check priority
int get_power(char op) {
    if (op == '+') {
        return 2;
    } else if (op == '-') {
        return 2;
    } else if (op == '*') {
        return 4;
    } else if (op == '/') {
        return 4;
    } else {
        return 0;

// checks if current char is operator
int is_operator(char op) {
    if (op == '+' || op == '-' || op == '*' || op == '/') {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;

// checks if current char is digit
int is_digit(char op) {
    if ((op >= '0' && op <= '9') || op == '.') {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;

// evaulates array in Postfix
double evaulate_rpn(char** exp, size_t len) {
    double* stack = (double* ) malloc(len*sizeof(double)); // stack for operands
    double a1 = 0.0;
    double a2 = 0.0;  // buffers to save stack items
    size_t place = 0; // current stack size
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        if (is_operator(*exp[i]) == 1) {
            // takes out last 2 operands, processes
            if (place > 1) {
                a1 = stack[place - 2];
                a2 = stack[place - 1];

                if (strncmp(exp[i], "+", 1) == 0) {
                    stack[place - 2] = a1 + a2;
                } else if (strncmp(exp[i], "-", 1) == 0) {
                    stack[place - 2] = a1 - a2;
                } else if (strncmp(exp[i], "*", 1) == 0) {
                    stack[place - 2] = a1 * a2;
                } else if (strncmp(exp[i], "/", 1) == 0) {
                    stack[place - 2] = a1 / a2;
                place -= 1;

            } else if (place == 1) {
                // unary minus, unary plus..
                a1 = stack[place - 1];

                if (strncmp(exp[i], "-", 1) == 0) {
                    stack[place - 1] = 0 - a1;
                } else if (strncmp(exp[i], "+", 1) == 0) {
                    stack[place - 1] = a1;

            } else {
                // wrong order / anything else
        } else {
            // is operand -> convert char to double -> save double to stack
            stack[place] = atof(exp[i]);
            place++ ;
    float res = stack[0];
    return res; // result here

void push_to_stack(char*** reverse, size_t* inited_lines, size_t* used_lines, char* item, size_t size) {
    if(*inited_lines <= *used_lines){
        *inited_lines *= 2;
        char** buf = (char** ) realloc(*reverse, (*inited_lines)*sizeof(char** ));
        if (buf) {
            *reverse = buf;
        } else {
    char* str = calloc(size + 1, sizeof(char));
    if (str) {
        memcpy(str, item, size + 1);
        str[size] = '\0';

        (*reverse)[*used_lines] = str;
        (*used_lines)++ ;
    } else {

// transform from Infix to Postfix notation
double create_rpn(char* exp, size_t len){

    // stack of chars for operands ()+-*/
    char* stack = (char* ) malloc(len);
    if (stack == NULL) {
    size_t stack_top = 0;  // position of last item in stack

    // array of numbers
    size_t inited_lines = 1;
    size_t used_lines = 0;
    char** reverse = (char** ) malloc(inited_lines*sizeof(char* ));
    if (reverse == NULL) {

    char buffer = 0;
    int bracket_deep = 0;
    int digit = 0; // flag to start parsing Numbers/digits
    size_t start_index = 0; // for parsing Long-Vals
    size_t index = 0;
    while (index <= len) {
        buffer = exp[index];  // buffer constats only 1 char but it is a string
        if (is_digit(buffer) == 1) {
            // save first digit place
            if (digit == 0) {
                start_index = index;
                digit = 1;
        } else {
            // push to stack when Num is over
            if (digit == 1) {
                digit = 0;
                size_t size = index - start_index; // size of str
                push_to_stack(&reverse, &inited_lines, &used_lines, exp + start_index, size);

            // push Operands + check priority
            if (is_operator(buffer) == 1) {
                size_t power = get_power(buffer);
                for (int i = stack_top - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                    if (stack[i] == '(') {
                    if (get_power(stack[i]) >= power) {
                        push_to_stack(&reverse, &inited_lines, &used_lines, &stack[i], 1);
                        stack_top-- ;
                // push current Operand to stack
                stack[stack_top++ ] = buffer;

            } else if (buffer == '(') {
                stack[stack_top++ ] = buffer;
                bracket_deep++ ;

            } else if (buffer == ')') {
                // push operands to result
                bracket_deep-- ;
                stack_top-- ; // if no, '' will be added to output
                while (stack[stack_top] != '(') {
                    push_to_stack(&reverse, &inited_lines, &used_lines, &stack[stack_top], 1);
                    if (stack_top > 0) {
                        stack_top-- ;
                    } else {
            } else if (buffer == ' ' || buffer == '\n') {
                // ignore this case

            } else if (buffer == '\0') {
                for (int i = stack_top - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                    push_to_stack(&reverse, &inited_lines, &used_lines, &stack[i], 1);
                stack_top = 0;
            } else {
                printf("[error]"); // - wrong char: '%s', %c\n", buffer, *buffer); // wrong char!
        if (bracket_deep < 0) {
            printf("[error]"); // wrong bracket expr
        index++ ;

    if (bracket_deep == 0) {
        double res = evaulate_rpn(reverse, used_lines);
        for (int i = 0; i < inited_lines; i++) {
        return res;
    } else {
        printf("[error]");  // wrong brackets

int main() {
    char* expression = (char* ) malloc(MAX_LEN*sizeof(char));
    if (expression) {
        size_t len = 0;
        while (scanf("%c", &expression[len]) != -1) {   // switch to getch ???
            if (expression[len] != ' ') {   // save everything except spaces
                len++ ;
        double result = create_rpn(expression, len);
        printf("%.2f", result);
    } else {
    return 0;
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1 Answers1


You are reading 1 byte beyond the array bound, because your while loop in create_rpn() is

while (index <= len)

but should be

while (index < len)
   /*         ^ without the = */

since arrays are 0 indexed, exp[len] is beyond the array.


  1. Avoid redundant parentheses, they make the code ugly and hence, hard to read and understand.

  2. Do not cast the return value of malloc(), read the link and you will understand why.

  3. Another tip to make your code clearer, is to avoid mixing code with declarations, for a compiler it's easy to see a variable's scope, but not for the eyes.

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Iharob Al Asimi
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  • exp is a string, so exp[len] = '\0' – Vladimir Apr 25 '15 at 20:06
  • @Vladimir it's not, check your code, is it your code? And even if it was, why would you do an extra iteration? And if you are right then `while (exp[index] != 0)` would be better. – Iharob Al Asimi Apr 25 '15 at 20:08
  • yes it's mine. I've debugged this moment and exp[len] actually returns end-of-string – Vladimir Apr 25 '15 at 20:09
  • @Vladimir It's a coincidence, no one puts a `'\0'` at the end of `exp` in the code, and valgrind is telling that it's uninitiazed. Change the `while` I was surprised that your code works without a single valgrind message, just fix what I told you, I also tested with valgrind. – Iharob Al Asimi Apr 25 '15 at 20:10
  • @Vladimir but then `nul` terminate the array. – Iharob Al Asimi Apr 25 '15 at 20:15
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    thank you, finally I fixed it.. I've added nul at the end of string: `expression[len] = '\0';` line 153 – Vladimir Apr 25 '15 at 20:21