As we know String is immutable, which means a new instance is created every time.

My question is that if I write:


then how many objects are created in pool?

3 Answers3


Your example will create a single string object in the string pool.

after that, if you do:

String x = "Javaisprogramming";

it will still point to the same object in the string pool. You can read more here

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Eddie Martinez
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Your example will create a single string object. This is noted throughout the Java documentation.

The way I understand it, Java only adds new strings to the string pool when they're initially created. So,

String str1 = "hello";

Would be a single string in the pool.

So would

String str2 = "Java" + "is" + "cool";
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Your Example will create 'single' string only which is

String x = "Javaisprogramming";

because '+' is a string concatenation operator in java(it internally call append()) so when you call System.out.println("Java"+"is"+"programming"); then compiler create one string object from concatenation and send it with println() method.

for more about '+' operator see this answer

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