I have an iterator result in one function and I need to return an iterator after making some changes to the objects in result from that function. I don't want to iterate over the result as it is causing performance degradation. I want to perform that operation on the fly for each item in the result.

This is the code which iterates over the result to do that operation.

sols = []
# Get rid of this loop
for sol in result:
    sols.append(dict((symbols[abs(lit) - 1], lit > 0) for lit in sol))
# Return iterator object
return (sol for sol in sols)
Sudhanshu Mishra
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1 Answers1


You're almost there. Just don't store the values in a sols list:

def f(result):
  return (dict((symbols[abs(lit) - 1], lit > 0) for lit in sol) for sol in result)

This yields (no pun intended) a generator which incrementally traverses the given result parameter.

Frerich Raabe
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