I have a loop that has to go from j to 0 (inclusively). My j variable is of type size_t which is usually unsigned.

My code:


#define SIZE 100

int main(){
    char str[SIZE];
    size_t i=0;
    size_t j;
    puts("Enter any string");



    return 0;

I get an infinite loop. If I remove the equality of zero it outputs the reverse of string without the first letter. so what's the problem here?

mojtaba al moussawi
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7 Answers7

for(j=i; j>0; j--) {
    printf("%c", str[j-1]);

Would be another option.
For a beginner maybe easier to understand.
But the other answers would be better.

edit: i'd say the best would be for(j=i; j-- > 0;) by l3x.
decrementing j after checking if it is greater then 0.

Using a do{}while() loop would also work.

j = i;
do {
   printf("%c", str[j]);
} while (j > 0);
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size_t is an unsigned integer and it's never going to be less than 0. So the condition in for loop is always true:


You can modify the condition to (a bit ugly though):

for(j=i; j-- > 0;){

Note that in your condition, you are printing the \0 null byte too, which is a non-printable character. (since the j starts with a value equal to the string length). The above condition takes care of that too.


  • you can use strlen()instead of looping over it yourself.
  • Check the return value of scanf() if input reading wad successful.
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  • Yes i have noticed that j should start form i-1 and i fixed thank you – mojtaba al moussawi Jan 25 '16 at 11:50
  • Thank you my problem is solved with many solution and i know that i can use strlen()..But please can you explain to my why mu code is causing infinite loop??and why if i just replace size_t by int the output will be correct??what's the problem with size_t ??suppose that the loop comes to j=0 it should print the element zero and after that should be exit since the condition will be false so why it's entering in infinite loop?? – mojtaba al moussawi Jan 25 '16 at 12:27
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    `size_t`, an unsigned integer can't have a value less than 0. So if you do j-- when j was 0, then it will become SIZE_MAX (the maximum value size_t can hold). Let's say SIZE_MAX is 4294967295 then the loop would run from j -> 0 -> 4294967295 -> 0 -> and the cycle will go on. if you use `int`, it'll work as you expected. But `size_t` is the right type to use to find the length of the string.Hence, you get infinite loop. if you use `int`, it'll work as you expected. But `size_t` is the right type to use to find the length of the string. – P.P Jan 25 '16 at 12:38

You could change j from size_t to long this makes sure all the data still fits and you can reach the -1 value.

Another option is to end the for loop with the following statement:

for (j = i - 1;;--j)
    // code
    if (j == 0) break;

as a side-note: your first while loop does the same as the strlen() in string.h.

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Down counting loops tend to end up a bit obscure and hard to read. Consider using this alternative instead:

const size_t max = i-1; // maximum value that j can have

for(j=0; j<=max; j++)
  ... str[max-j];
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Unsigned integers will wrap in C. Any unsigned integer is always equal or larger than 0, in code: uint >= 0, is always true.

You can use a comparison with SIZE_MAX, since that is the largest value for type size_t. The code will iterate and print down to 0, as it should, then wrap to SIZE_MAX, and the loop will end. (This assumes the length of the string isn't SIZE_MAX.)

for(j=i; j < SIZE_MAX ;j--){


Also note that your code prints the null character. So the starting index should be j=i-1, which works nicely with the wrapping behavior, since if the string's length is 0, the for loop will not print anything, because i-1 == SIZE_MAX.

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The problem is that j >= 0 is always true because j is unsigned.

When counting down to zero with an unsigned, I usually use postfix --:

while (j-- > 0)
Emil Laine
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Unsigned value wraps around so when j == 0 and the loop does j--, j >= 0 is still true.

A basic and easy to read solution goes like this:

void reversePrint(char str[])
    size_t j = strlen(str);
    while (j-- > 0)
        printf("%c", str[j]);

Will print the string in reverse order : olleH.

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  • Not the downvoter though, I think they didn't like the way you said *"...easy to read solution goes like..."* : `..while (j --> 0)...` which will make users [ask this question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1642028/what-is-the-name-of-the-operator-in-c) ; And secondly your superfulous use of `strlen` on the *string literal*, `str` whose size length is known at compile time. – WhiZTiM Aug 22 '16 at 23:55