
I've got an issue i can't handle so i've thought maybe you can help me. Basically i have a function that receives a char* as a paramater and does some stuff to it(i've checked those steps/functions and they work just fine).If the char* given in the function is ""(i guess NULL), i receive seg fault with assert. Here is the code:

char *computeRNA(char *s)
    if (s != NULL && s!= "")
        Lista* l = to_list(s);
        int i;
        l = l->next;
        for(i = 0; i<= lungime(l); ++i)
            if(l->info == 'T')
                l->info = 'U';
            l = l->next;
        char *rna = to_pointer(l);
        return rna;

        return NULL;

And here is the assert:

 char *s;
   s = computeRNA("");
    ASSERT(!strcmp(s, ""), "computeRNA-01");

This is a school homework so i can not change assert's code , only the function.Thanks in advance !

2 Answers2


You cannot pass a NULL pointer to strcmp() as argument. Before the ASSERT statement, just check for non-NULL value of s. Something like

if (s) {
  ASSERT(!strcmp(s, ""), "computeRNA-01");

should do the job.


In case changing the function using the assertion is also not possible, you can modify the computeRNA() function to return an empty string, instead of NULL, like

char * empty_string = calloc(1,1);
return empty_string;

which can later be passed to free() in the caller.

Sourav Ghosh
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This ASSERT that you weren't supposed to be changing, tests that if an empty string is given to computeRNA it should also return an empty string:

s = computeRNA("");
ASSERT(!strcmp(s, ""), "computeRNA-01");

Your code returns null pointer. Also comparing strings needs to be done using strcmp, s == "" would only compare pointer values that wouldn't be of use here.

Thus I'd start the function with

// null pointer was given
if (!s) {
    return calloc(1, 1);

// an empty string was given (the first character pointed to b s is the string terminator.)
// to compare explicitly, you need to do `strcmp(s, "")` == 0. `s == ""` is wrong.
if (!*s) {
    return "";