I tried to build a demo guacamole app for ssh from the below tutorial.


The app worked just fine as long as the values were hardcoded. But I need to get the hostname/IP from the user. To achieve that I tried using request.getParameter() in the below code :

package org.glyptodon.guacamole.net.example;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.glyptodon.guacamole.GuacamoleException;
import org.glyptodon.guacamole.net.GuacamoleSocket;
import org.glyptodon.guacamole.net.GuacamoleTunnel;
import org.glyptodon.guacamole.net.InetGuacamoleSocket;
import org.glyptodon.guacamole.net.SimpleGuacamoleTunnel;
import org.glyptodon.guacamole.protocol.ConfiguredGuacamoleSocket;
import org.glyptodon.guacamole.protocol.GuacamoleConfiguration;
import org.glyptodon.guacamole.servlet.GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet;

public class TutorialGuacamoleTunnelServlet
    extends GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet {

    protected GuacamoleTunnel doConnect(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws GuacamoleException {

        // Create our configuration
        String hostname = request.getParameter("hostname");
        GuacamoleConfiguration config = new GuacamoleConfiguration();
        config.setParameter("hostname", hostname);
        config.setParameter("port", "22");

        // Connect to guacd - everything is hard-coded here.
        GuacamoleSocket socket = new ConfiguredGuacamoleSocket(
            new InetGuacamoleSocket("localhost", 4822),

        // Return a new tunnel which uses the connected socket
        return new SimpleGuacamoleTunnel(socket);



But when I try to use it like localhost:8080/guacamole-tutorial-0.9.9?hostname=localhost, it doesn't work. Whereas it works just fine if I hardcode the same values. Please help me out.

1 Answers1


you'll need to use JavaScript to pass those parameters to the connect() function of Guacamole.Client. got from here

  <script type="text/javascript">

     // Get display div from document
     var display = document.getElementById("display");

     // Instantiate client, using an HTTP tunnel for communications.
     var guac = new Guacamole.Client(
         new Guacamole.HTTPTunnel("tunnel")

     // Add client to display div

    // Error handler
     guac.onerror = function(error) {
     // Connect
     guac.connect('ip=');** set parameters here**

     // Disconnect on close
     window.onunload = function() {


and In your TutorialGuacamoleTunnelServlet access these as

config.setParameter("hostname", request.getParameter("ip"));
config.setParameter("username", request.getParameter("user"));
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