I need to match element of the JSON array element in c# for filter autocomplete in c#. Here is my code:

string firstname = "h";
List<user> userlist = new List<user>();
user user1 = new user();
user1.firstname = "Hardik";
user1.lastname = "Gondalia";

user user2 = new user();
user2.firstname = "John";
user2.lastname = "Abraham";

user user3 = new user();
user3.firstname = "Will";
user3.lastname = "Smith";

user user4 = new user();
user4.firstname = "Martin";
user4.lastname = "Luthor";

var myRegex = new Regex(".*\\b" + firstname + "\\b.*");
var u = userlist.Where(i => myRegex.IsMatch(i.firstname)).ToList();
return Json(u, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

When I pass character "h" as firstname, I am getting count of u = 0; I am expecting user1 and user2 in variable u.

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    _"I am expecting user1 and user2"_ - why? `\bh\b` will only match the lone standing `h` because of the "word boundary" `\b`... Perhaps start by reading a regex tutorial. – CodeCaster Aug 03 '16 at 10:11
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    Well, these first names do not contain `h` as a whole word. And `Hardik` contains an uppercase `H` (pass `RegexOptions.IgnoreCase` flag to `myRegex`). Also, `Regex.IsMatch` also finds partial matches, you do not need `.*` in your pattern at all. Judging by the code, you may achieve that without a regex, use `userlist.Where(i => culture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(i.firstname, firstname, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) >= 0).ToList()` (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444798/case-insensitive-containsstring) – Wiktor Stribiżew Aug 03 '16 at 10:12
  • @CodeCaster : you mean to say that \b will match whole word rather then individual character? – Ubiquitous Developers Aug 03 '16 at 10:14
  • Why do you even need regular expressions here – zerkms Aug 03 '16 at 10:16
  • @zerkms : I thought regex was good alternative. Any other approach is most welcome. – Ubiquitous Developers Aug 03 '16 at 10:18
  • @UbiquitousDevelopers a good alternative to *what*? Why not `String.Contains`? – zerkms Aug 03 '16 at 10:19
  • @zerkms : I don't know how to user String.Contains with list of class. – Ubiquitous Developers Aug 03 '16 at 10:21
  • @UbiquitousDevelopers there is no any JSON in your code. – zerkms Aug 03 '16 at 10:21

1 Answers1


I am posting an answer since there are several issues here.

First, these first names do not contain h as a whole word and you defined \b in your pattern to match a first name as a whole word.

Second, Hardik contains an uppercase H (so, you should consider passing RegexOptions.IgnoreCase flag to myRegex).

Third, Regex.IsMatch also finds partial matches, you do not need .* in your pattern at all.

Judging by the code, you may achieve that without a regex, use

userlist.Where(i => culture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(i.firstname, firstname, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) >= 0).ToList()
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