A really simple question I'm sure but...

I have an unordered list, in which some amount of the list items have been slid up. I want to extract information from spans within the visible list items only, using an $.each loop.

I want to write something along these lines to access this information but I don't know what the right parameter is:

  if ("li.class" *isn't hidden*) { 
    // get information from span

The best I can come up with is adding a class each time a list item is slid up and then removing that class when it slides back down, which I guess would be fine, but I'm suspecting jQuery already has something in place.


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2 Answers2


You can use the :visible pseudo selector:

$("li.class:visible").each(function() {
    // get information from span, like ...
    $("span", this).text();
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Something like this:

    $(function() {
        $('li.class:visible').each(function() {

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