Im new to Unity and C, this issue is driving me mad and i feel im missing the obvious,

Basically i have a gameobject which i need to rotate on Swipe left or Right (GearVR)

When the scene initially loads everything is fine. When i load a new scene and then re load the Main Menu scene the startcoroutine cause a NullReferenceException error.

The whole thing works perfectly in the editor, only when on the Android device do i get the error.

Ive read everything i can find but i dont understand how the StartCoroutine is throwing the error.

Please help

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

    public class ApplicationManager : MonoBehaviour {

    public OVRScreenFade leftEye;
    public OVRScreenFade rightEye;
    public OVRScreenFade centerEye;

    public float mSplashDuration = 1.8f;
    private float mFadeToBlackDuration = 1.0f;
    private bool mTransitionStarted = false;
    private bool mShouldFade = false;
    private int mScene = 1;
    private GameObject mMenu;

    public float DegreesPerSecond = 180f; // degrees per second
    private Vector3 currentRot, targetRot;
    private bool rotating = false;

    void Start() {
        Debug.Log("AM START");
        OVRTouchpad.TouchHandler += HandleTouchHandler;
        mMenu = GameObject.Find("Menu");

    void Awake()
        mMenu = GameObject.Find("Menu");

        void Update () {
        // Check if there were any objects hit by our reticle-ray cast in the scene. If so, check whether or not
        // it has a TextureCycler component.
        if (Raycaster.getInstance().anythingHitByRay()) {

            GameObject objHitByRay = Raycaster.getInstance().getObjectHitByRay();
            string objHitTag = objHitByRay.tag;

            // Check that there was a valid object hit by the raycast. Raycaster.getInstance().getObjectHitByRay() 

            if(objHitByRay != null) {
                if(objHitTag == "Button1")
                    Invoke("launchNextScene", mSplashDuration);
                    mShouldFade = true;
                    mScene = 2;

                if (objHitTag == "Button2")
                    Invoke("launchNextScene", mSplashDuration);
                    mShouldFade = true;
                    mScene = 3;


                if (!mTransitionStarted && mShouldFade && Time.time >= timeFadeShouldStart())
                    mTransitionStarted = true;


    void HandleTouchHandler(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

        OVRTouchpad.TouchArgs touchArgs = (OVRTouchpad.TouchArgs)e;
        if (touchArgs.TouchType == OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.Left)
            Debug.Log("Swipe Left");



        if (touchArgs.TouchType == OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.Right)
            Debug.Log("Swipe Right");



        if (touchArgs.TouchType == OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.SingleTap)

    void detectInputEvents()

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))



    IEnumerator RotateLeft()

        Debug.Log("Rotate Left");

        if (!rotating)
            currentRot = mMenu.transform.eulerAngles;
            rotating = true;  // set the flag
            targetRot.y = currentRot.y + 60; // calculate the new angle

            while (currentRot.y < targetRot.y)
                currentRot.y = Mathf.MoveTowardsAngle(currentRot.y, targetRot.y, DegreesPerSecond * Time.deltaTime);
                mMenu.transform.eulerAngles = currentRot;
                yield return null;

            rotating = false;

    IEnumerator RotateRight()
        Debug.Log("Rotate Right");

        if (!rotating)
            currentRot = mMenu.transform.eulerAngles;
            rotating = true;  // set the flag
            targetRot.y = currentRot.y - 60; // calculate the new angle

            while (currentRot.y > targetRot.y)
                currentRot.y = Mathf.MoveTowardsAngle(currentRot.y, targetRot.y, DegreesPerSecond * Time.deltaTime);
                mMenu.transform.eulerAngles = currentRot;
                yield return null;

            rotating = false;

    void launchNextScene()
        // Load the scene at the given index in build settings.


    private float timeFadeShouldStart()
        return (mSplashDuration - mFadeToBlackDuration);
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