I want to merge two dicts on the id. Dict x contains many distinct ids and different row counts per each id. Dict y contains multiple key values, and always has less rows than dict x.

x = [{'costgroup': '1', 'POC1': '2', 'post': '5','id': '1'},
    {'costgroup': '2', 'POC1': '1', 'post': '4','id': '1'},
    {'costgroup': '3', 'POC1': '5', 'post': '2', 'id': '1'},
    {'costgroup': '1', 'POC1': '2', 'post': '5','id': '2'},
    {'costgroup': '2', 'POC1': '1', 'post': '4','id': '2'},
    {'costgroup': '3', 'POC1': '5', 'post': '2', 'id': '2'},
    {'costgroup': '3', 'POC1': '5', 'post': '2', 'id': '2'}] 

 y = [{'id': '1', 'laminate': 'D'}, 
     { 'id':'2', 'laminate': T'}]       

The output that I want is the following:

z = [{'costgroup': '1', 'POC1': '2', 'post': '5','id': '1','laminate':'D'},
    {'costgroup': '2', 'POC1': '1', 'post': '4','id': '1','laminate': 'D'},
   {'costgroup': '3', 'POC1': '5', 'post': '2', 'id': '1','laminate': 'D'},
   {'costgroup': '1', 'POC1': '2', 'post': '5','id': '2','laminate': 'T'},
    {'costgroup': '2', 'POC1': '1', 'post': '4','id': '2','laminate': 'T'},
   {'costgroup': '3', 'POC1': '5', 'post': '2', 'id': '2','laminate': 'T'},
   {'costgroup': '3', 'POC1': '5', 'post': '2', 'id': '2','laminate': 'T'}] 

This is easy to achieve using pandas

dfx  = pd.DataFrame(x)
dfy  = pd.DataFrame(y)
pd.merge(dfx,dfy, how ='left', left_on = 'id', right_on = 'id' )

But, I am going to apply this using an AWS Lambda function and I don't want to have the overhead of pandas and the output needs to be a dict. I tried the code below which gets me closer, but then i had to add something to find the distinct values of the ID and iterate through them.But,still don't have the output that I need.

valuelist = ['1']
def copyf(dictlist, key, valuelist):
      return [d for d in dictlist if d[key] in valuelist]

y1 = copyf(y, 'id', valuelist)
x1 = copyf(x, 'id', valuelist)

The above provides this output, which is interesting but not what I need.

[{'distance': '2', 'id': '1', 'laminate': 'D'},
 [{'POC1': '2', 'costgroup': '1', 'id': '1', 'post': '5'},
  {'POC1': '1', 'costgroup': '2', 'id': '1', 'post': '4'},
  {'POC1': '5', 'costgroup': '3', 'id': '1', 'post': '2'}]]
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3 Answers3

import copy

x = [{'costgroup': '1', 'POC1': '2', 'post': '5','id': '1'},
    {'costgroup': '2', 'POC1': '1', 'post': '4','id': '1'},
    {'costgroup': '3', 'POC1': '5', 'post': '2', 'id': '1'},
    {'costgroup': '1', 'POC1': '2', 'post': '5','id': '2'},
    {'costgroup': '2', 'POC1': '1', 'post': '4','id': '2'},
    {'costgroup': '3', 'POC1': '5', 'post': '2', 'id': '2'},
    {'costgroup': '3', 'POC1': '5', 'post': '2', 'id': '2'}]

y = [{'id': '1', 'laminate': 'D'},
     { 'id':'2', 'laminate': 'T'}

#create the id->laminate mapping
m = { d['id']: d['laminate'] for d in y }

#create the final output
z = []
for d in x:
    #make a copy of the dictionary from x so that the input data
    #is not overwritten
    item = dict(d) #copy.deepcopy(d)
    item.update({'laminate': m[d['id']]})


this produces

 {'laminate': 'D', 'post': '5', 'POC1': '2', 'id': '1', 'costgroup': '1'},
 {'laminate': 'D', 'post': '4', 'POC1': '1', 'id': '1', 'costgroup': '2'},
 {'laminate': 'D', 'post': '2', 'POC1': '5', 'id': '1', 'costgroup': '3'},
 {'laminate': 'T', 'post': '5', 'POC1': '2', 'id': '2', 'costgroup': '1'},
 {'laminate': 'T', 'post': '4', 'POC1': '1', 'id': '2', 'costgroup': '2'},
 {'laminate': 'T', 'post': '2', 'POC1': '5', 'id': '2', 'costgroup': '3'},
 {'laminate': 'T', 'post': '2', 'POC1': '5', 'id': '2', 'costgroup': '3'}]
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def merge(d1, d2):
    """Given two dicts, merge them into a new dict as a shallow copy."""
    result = d1.copy()
    return result

result = [merge(d1, d2) for d1 in x for d2 in y if d1["id"] == d2["id"]]


[{'POC1': '2', 'costgroup': '1', 'id': '1', 'laminate': 'D', 'post': '5'},
 {'POC1': '1', 'costgroup': '2', 'id': '1', 'laminate': 'D', 'post': '4'},
 {'POC1': '5', 'costgroup': '3', 'id': '1', 'laminate': 'D', 'post': '2'},
 {'POC1': '2', 'costgroup': '1', 'id': '2', 'laminate': 'T', 'post': '5'},
 {'POC1': '1', 'costgroup': '2', 'id': '2', 'laminate': 'T', 'post': '4'},
 {'POC1': '5', 'costgroup': '3', 'id': '2', 'laminate': 'T', 'post': '2'},
 {'POC1': '5', 'costgroup': '3', 'id': '2', 'laminate': 'T', 'post': '2'}]

Merge function from here: How to merge two Python dictionaries in a single expression?

There's a more concise syntax in Python 3.5 but you're on 2.7.

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z = []
for dx in x:
    for dy in y:
        if dx['id'] == dy['id']:
            z.append(dict(dx.items () + dy.items()))

print z
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