I am doing a Intro Activity that consists in a TabLayout with three fragments.

I have two buttons below my TabLayout - one for "Skip" the intro and the other for "Next" screen/tab. They are working fine but I would like to make some changes on the "Next" function:

When I click the "Next" button he does this:

tabLayout.getTabAt(tabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition() + 1).select()

And he is indeed selecting the next tab, but I was wondering if I could slow down the slide/swap animation of the tab. Can I somewhat Override de animation so I can slow it down?


I created a custom class that extends TabLayout:

public class CustomTabLayout extends TabLayout {

    public CustomTabLayout(Context context) { 

    public CustomTabLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { 
        super(context, attrs); 

    public CustomTabLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { 
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); 

And I noticed that the TabLayout class has this method:

 private void animateToTab(int newPosition) {
    if (newPosition == Tab.INVALID_POSITION) { return; }

    if (getWindowToken() == null || !ViewCompat.isLaidOut(this) || mTabStrip.childrenNeedLayout()) {
        setScrollPosition(newPosition, 0f, true);

    final int startScrollX = getScrollX();
    final int targetScrollX = calculateScrollXForTab(newPosition, 0);

    if (startScrollX != targetScrollX) {

        mScrollAnimator.setIntValues(startScrollX, targetScrollX);

    mTabStrip.animateIndicatorToPosition(newPosition, ANIMATION_DURATION);

The problem is that ANIMATION_DURATION is a private static final constant set to 300 in the TabLayout class. Can I somewhat change this value to 1000 for example to slow down the animation?


As suggested by azizbekian, I am trying to change this value using reflection:

public CustomTabLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
    super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

static void setAnimationDuration() {
    try {
        Field field = TabLayout.class.getDeclaredField("ANIMATION_DURATION");
        field.set(field.get(TabLayout.class), 2000);

        int v = (int) field.get(TabLayout.class);
        //  v == 2000; so I guess that I changed the value successfully
    } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

But when my tabs are created, it still has the same transaction duration (to fast). Am I doing something wrong with reflection? Or this "ANIMATION_DURATION" is not the correct value to change?

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1 Answers1


As you can see in sources, animation duration is not customizable:

private static final int ANIMATION_DURATION = 300;

So, it cannot be configured neither from styles (xml), nor through Java code.

Only thing you can try to do is to change the value of private static final field through reflection.

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