Lets say we have an interface "ISomething" with the method "DoSomething".
And we create multiple classes that implement it. Example 5/10/100/1000 new class definitions.

will iterating a List < ISomething > and calling DoSomething() take the same amount of time, regardless of #unique classes added to the list. Assumption that list contains the same number of objects. Comparison list of different types vs list of same type.

Essentially I am asking if an interface method call is always a "Constant" runtime cost, or it depends on # unique types behind it.

Why am I asking this? I need to realise how interface works behinds the scenes to not trigger unexpected overhead.

Edit: Can I make the question a little harder ?
Lets consider the opposite scenario, we now have only 1 class but N interfaces it implements(ISomething1...N). Is the performance the same regardless on the #interfaces that it implements. Lets say that most of the interfaces end up pointing to the same method.

Edit2: adjan's answer raises another potential issue:
he said that c# generates one v-table per interface => all its methods cost O(1).

Lets consider the following scenario.
A vertical inheritance chain: A0 extends A1 extends A2 ... extends AN.
All these classes we construct them with no variables inside.
We just created a performance bug.

A0.method() costs O(N).
I0.method() costs O(1).

If interfaces can do the job with a constant overhead, why pay variable cost if someone abuses the inheritance mechanism and creates a vertical tree branch of depth N.

Does A0 virtual method cost O(N) ? What about its constructor, or its destructor, are we 100% safe to assume that it takes constant runtime cost. Regarding the constructor, a call to A0's constructor triggers A1's parameter-less constructor, thus the invocation chain continues... therefore O(N) cost.

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  • Regarding your edit: It does not matter. See my answer. – adjan Jun 03 '17 at 04:19
  • About your second edit: There is no invocation chain. No matter how deep the inheritance tree is, invocation will be always O(1). There is no search for the right pointer to the v-table. The pointer is already determined when you declare the variable. – adjan Jun 03 '17 at 13:14
  • See this: https://stackoverflow.com/q/11227809/8529958 –  Sep 08 '17 at 13:54

3 Answers3


First off; this kind of premature optimization is crazy. The overhead involved with invoking through an interface just isn't significant enough to matter.

That said, mixed types will not have a runtime impact unless you are dealing with branch prediction. (See Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array?).

The reason for this is that you are incurring the overhead of invoking through a virtual function pointer table regardless of whether it picks the same one over and over or not. Really; its just not something you need to worry about.

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There is no difference.

Languages like java and C# implement virtual method calls in a way which is quite similar to the way C++ does it. Roughly speaking, each class has a virtual method table, which is an array of pointers to methods. There is one entry in this table for each virtual method defined by the class or interface. A virtual method call simply consists of picking a pointer from a specific index within that table and calling the function pointed by it. It makes no difference whether you have a single implementation or a hundred implementations. The runtime cost is as constant as it gets.

There is no operation that I can think of whose runtime complexity is in any way a function of the number of existing class implementations in the (Java or .Net) virtual machine.

Mike Nakis
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When calling an interface method, a so called v-table is used to determine the memory address of the called method. Each type has its own v-table that contains pointers to each implemented method, and every object of that type has a pointer to its type's v-table. Thus, during method invocation, there is no branching or searching for the right memory address, since the pointers will always uniquely point to the right v-table and method addresses.

Also see this diagram:

enter image description here

Edit: Regarding your second question. There is no difference. A call to a virtual method costs always the same, because you're only accessing the same number of pointers:

interface I1
   void DoIt();

interface I2
   void DoIt();

class A : I1, I2
   public void DoIt()
      // do sth

// Note: All v-tables point to the same implementation in A

I1 test1 = new A();
test1.DoIt(); // => lookup in I1's v-table

I2 test2 = (I2)test1;
test2.DoIt(); // => Lookup in I2's v-table

A a = (A)test2;
a.DoIt(); // => Lookup in A's v-table

Image source: https://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/com-interception/vtable.png

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