I have this task.

st = 'print only the words that sstart with an s in the sstatement'

and the solution would be

for word in st.split():
    if word[0] == 's':
        print word

why won't it work with

for word in st.split():
    if word[1] == 's':
        print word

I kind of understand what that zero stands for, but how can I print the words with the second letter being 's'.

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    Your question is to print words that start with s. But now you want to print words where the second letter starts with s? – idjaw Jun 24 '17 at 13:14
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    Also, what you're doing can't work if `word` is only one character long. – Thomas Kowalski Jun 24 '17 at 13:14
  • It's working correctly, python is raising IndexError when the length of the `word` is only one.! – zaidfazil Jun 24 '17 at 13:16
  • What about words that don't have a second letter (or even a first letter)? Also what exactly isn't working? Please provide a [mcve] including the expected output. :) – MSeifert Jun 24 '17 at 13:19

1 Answers1


One of the problems is that it is not guaranteed that the length of the string is sufficient. For instance the empty string ('') or a string with one character ('s') might end up in the word list as well.

A quick fix is to use a length check:

for word in st.split():
    if len(word) > 1 and word[1] == 's':
        print word

Or you can - like @idjaw says - use slicing, and then we will obtain an empty string if out of range:

for word in st.split():
    if word[1:2] == 's':
        print word

If you have a string, you can obtain a substring with st[i:j] with st the string, i the first index (inclusive) and j the last index (exclusive). If however the indices are out of range, that is not a problem: then you will obtain the empty string. So we simply construct a slice that starts at 1 and ends at 1 (both inclusive here). If no such indices exist, we obtain the empty string (and this is not equal to 's'), otherwise we obtain a string with exactly one character: the one at index 1.

In the case however you will check against more complicated patterns, you can use a regex:

import re

rgx = re.compile(r'\b\ws\w*\b')
rgx.findall('print only the words that sstart with an s in the sstatement')

Here we specified to match anything between word boundaries \b that is a sequence of \ws with the second character an s:

>>> rgx.findall('print only the words that sstart with an s in the sstatement')
['sstart', 'sstatement']
Willem Van Onsem
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    I was trying to be really anal and see if I can solve it using slicing and omit the length (just for fun), but that darn single character still requires the length check. – idjaw Jun 24 '17 at 13:24
  • Thank you, regex is a bit complicated for now but i will surely note that down. – Stelian Jun 24 '17 at 13:25
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    @idjaw You could use `word[1:2] == 's'`, that shouldn't require a length check :) – MSeifert Jun 24 '17 at 13:26
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    @MSeifert oh!!! gah! I was using `word[:2:2]`! Thanks :) Of course, now that I think about it, it is so obvious lol..... – idjaw Jun 24 '17 at 13:26
  • thank's for the solution but coulld you explain how that works? word[1:2] == 's' i really want to understand pythond and coding in general. quite new to this) – Stelian Jun 24 '17 at 13:30
  • @Stelian [this](https://stackoverflow.com/a/509295/1832539) answer explains slicing *perfectly*. – idjaw Jun 24 '17 at 13:32