
Hi there so I am looking to build this python function with simple things like def, find etc. so far I know how to get the first part of the code.

Given a string such as "HELLODOGMEMEDOGPAPA", I will need to return a list that gives me three things:

Everything before the word dog which i will denote as before_dog The word dog until dog appears again dog_todog Everything after the second time dog appears will be denoted by after_todog The list will be in the form [before_dog,dog_todog,after_todog].

so for example given ("HELLODOGMEMEDOGPAPADD") this will return the list ("HELLO","DOGMEME","DOGPAPADD")

another example would be ("HEYHELLOMANDOGYDOGDADDY") this would return the list ("HEYHELLOMAN","DOGY","DOGDADDY")

but if I have ("HEYHELLODOGDADDY") the output will be ("HEYHELLO","DOGDADDY","")

also if dog never appears ("HEYHELLOYO") then the output will be ("HEYHELLOYO,"","")

This is what I have so far:

def split_list(words):
    # declare the list
    lst = []
    # find the first position
    # find the first_pos
    before_dog = words [0:first_pos]
    return lst
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4 Answers4


Funny function split_2_dogs() with re.findall() function:

import re

def split_2_dogs(s):
    if s.count('DOG') == 2:   # assuring 2 dogs are "walking" there
        return list(re.findall(r'^(.*)(DOG.*)(DOG.*)$', s)[0])


The output:


Alternative solution with str.index() and str.rfind() functions:

def split_2_dogs(s):
    if 'DOG' not in s: return [s,'']
    pos1, pos2 = s.index('DOG'), s.rfind('DOG')
    return [s[0:pos1], s[pos1:pos2], s[pos2:]]
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  • is it possible to do this without any ifs and just slicing or import – KMAN Oct 20 '17 at 16:57
  • hey roman so how would I go about doing it if I wanted the first time dog appeared to always be in the second part of the list even if there is only one time that dog appears in the given string? – KMAN Oct 20 '17 at 17:38
  • @KirusanS, see my **last** update in the second approach – RomanPerekhrest Oct 20 '17 at 18:03

Splitting at DOG is the key!! This code will for all the cases that you have mentioned.

from itertools import izip_longest

words = words.split("DOG")
words = ['DOG'+j if i>0 else j for i,j in enumerate(words)]
# words = ['HEYHELLO', 'DOGDADDY']
ans = ['','','']
# stitch words and ans together
ans = [m+n for m,n in izip_longest(words,ans,fillvalue='')]

print ans

Output :

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This is pretty easy to do using the split function. For example, you can split any string by a delimiter, like dog, as so:

>>> chunks = 'HELLODOGMEMEDOGPAPA'.split('DOG')
>>> print(chunks)

You could then use the output of that in a list comprehension, like so:

>>> dog_chunks = chunks[:1] + ["DOG" + chunk for chunk in chunks[1:]]
>>> print(dog_chunks)

The only slightly tricky bit is making sure you don't prepend dog to the first string in the list, hence the little bits of slicing.


Split the string at 'DOG' and use conditions to get the desired result

l = s.split('DOG')
dl = ['DOG'+i for i in l[1:]]
[l[0]]+dl if l[0] else dl


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