I need to sort the below div elements based on fare values. I need to sort based on key:value pair which look like [{key:"1",value=""},{..},{..}].

The below snippet is my HTML code

<div class="panel data" key="1" fare="800"></div>
<div class="panel data" key="2" fare="300"></div>
<div class="panel data" key="3" fare="500"></div>

the below structure is how the output I wanted.


Also I need to reorder the div as per above structure.

Please guide me how to achieve this.

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Charan Kumar
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  • Why reorder instead of rewrite? – Jonas Wilms Nov 06 '17 at 06:18
  • did you try to get data to array and sort while in array here is the solution you may interested in this link [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1129216/sort-array-of-objects-by-string-property-value-in-javascript] – melic Nov 06 '17 at 06:19
  • I need to sort based on numeric values. I tried to sort but its not ordering properly. – Charan Kumar Nov 06 '17 at 06:22
  • Jonas W. Please guide me how to do it. Since im new to jquery please help me out – Charan Kumar Nov 06 '17 at 06:24
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    Possible duplicate of [Sort array of objects by string property value in JavaScript](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1129216/sort-array-of-objects-by-string-property-value-in-javascript) – guradio Nov 06 '17 at 06:25

3 Answers3


Try this approach using insertBefore

document.querySelector( "#sortByFare" ).addEventListener( "click", function(){
   var panels = document.querySelectorAll( ".panel.data" );
   [].slice.call( panels ).sort( function(a,b){ 
     var aFare = a.getAttribute( "fare" );
     var bFare = b.getAttribute( "fare" );
     if ( aFare < bFare )
        a.parentNode.insertBefore( a, b );
        a.parentNode.insertBefore( b, a );
     return aFare - bFare;
<div class="panel data" key="1" fare="800">800
<div class="panel data" key="2" fare="300">300
<div class="panel data" key="3" fare="500">500

<input type="button" value="Sort By Fare" id="sortByFare"/>

It can be generalized further if you refactor the sorting logic as

document.querySelector( "#sortByFare" ).addEventListener( "click", function(){
   var panels = document.querySelectorAll( ".panel.data" );
   sortDomElements( panels, "fare" );

document.querySelector( "#sortByKey" ).addEventListener( "click", function(){
   var panels = document.querySelectorAll( ".panel.data" );
   sortDomElements( panels, "key" );

function sortDomElements( nodeList, attributeName )
  [].slice.call( nodeList ).sort( function(a,b){ 
     var aFare = a.getAttribute( attributeName );
     var bFare = b.getAttribute( attributeName );
     if ( aFare < bFare )
        a.parentNode.insertBefore( a, b );
        a.parentNode.insertBefore( b, a );
     return aFare - bFare;
<div class="panel data" key="1" fare="800">800
<div class="panel data" key="2" fare="300">300
<div class="panel data" key="3" fare="500">500

<input type="button" value="Sort By Fare" id="sortByFare"/>

<input type="button" value="Sort By Key" id="sortByKey"/>
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I will assume you have them within a parent element you could pick all the child element and loop over comparing the values and build a rewrite string.

var parentEl= document.getElelemtById('parentID')
    for (var j = 0; j < parentEl.childNodes.length; j++) {
            var key = parentEl.childNodes[j].getAttribute('key');
            var fare = parentEl.childNodes[j].getAttribute('fare');
             // compare the fare  here
             // also build your new child div strings here
             // finally output the new child string
             parentEl.innerHTML= yourNewChildString;

Have not tested this, but it should get you what you want.

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<div id="list">
    <div class="listing-item" data-fare="800">800</div>
    <div class="listing-item" data-fare="300">300</div>
    <div class="listing-item" data-fare="500">500</div>     

 var divList = $(".listing-item");
divList.sort(function(a, b){ return $(a).data("fare")-$(b).data("fare")});

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