So I have the a timing issue. What's going on is toDataUrl doesn't complete before chrome.storage.local.get is called. How can I refactor to have map or some other loop move on once the dataUrl is ready? I've tried async await, changing forEach to maps and vice versa. I've also tried while loops and counters but maybe I'm not implementing it correctly?

To clarify: what needs to happen is the chrome.storage.local.get needs to be called once all the loops have fully completed which doesn't currently happen.

To Data Url:

    const toDataURL = url => fetch(url)
      .then(response => response.blob())
      .then(blob => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const reader = new FileReader()
        reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result)
        reader.onerror = reject

Main Body:

app.checkOfflineStorage = function(quotes) {

  let nQuotes = quotes;

  nQuotes.data.map(function(e, idx) {

    if(e.attachments) {
      e.attachments.data.forEach(function(el) {

        if(el.type === 'quote-picture') {

           toDataURL(`https://quotecatalog.imgix.net${el.value}?w=110`).then(function(res) { 

          el.dataURI = res;



if(e.title) {
  if(typeof e.title.data.attachments !== 'undefined') {
    var title_attachments = e.title.data.attachments.data;

    title_attachments.forEach(function(el) {

 toDataURL(`https://quotecatalog.imgix.net${el.value}?w=110`).then(function(res) { 

        el.dataURI = res;


  if (Object.keys(storedQuoteArray).length === 0) {

    chrome.storage.local.set({"offlineCache": nQuotes}, function(res) {});

  } else {

    var combinedArray = storedQuoteArray.offlineCache.data.concat(nQuotes.data)

    combinedArray = combinedArray.slice(0, 100)
    console.log('100', combinedArray)

    chrome.storage.local.set({"offlineCache": {"data": combinedArray}}, function(res) {});

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  • Could you elaborate as to what you are trying to achieve? A mysterious reference to `chrome.set.storage` doesn't ring any bells since it doesn't show up in your code. So: What are you trying to achieve? What is the expected behaviour here? and how does the current behaviour differ? – deiga Nov 14 '17 at 23:35
  • @deiga I updated the question – Quesofat Nov 14 '17 at 23:37
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    none of your promises are being "waited" for in either the .map (why .map if you dont' return anything) or .forEach "loops" – Jaromanda X Nov 14 '17 at 23:40
  • Ok @JaromandaX, how can I fix that? I've used both map and forEach – Quesofat Nov 14 '17 at 23:42
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    yes, you have used both, not sure why you bothered with .map if you don't return anything from it (that's just a slower forEach) - fix it, by waiting for the promises to complete ... Promise.all will help – Jaromanda X Nov 14 '17 at 23:43
  • How can I use promise all? – Quesofat Nov 14 '17 at 23:44
  • [Don't use `forEach`](https://stackoverflow.com/a/37576787/1048572). – Bergi Nov 15 '17 at 00:16

1 Answers1


A quick example of Promise.all:

Promise.all(e.attachments.data.map(function(el) {
    if(el.type === 'quote-picture') {
       return toDataURL(`https://quotecatalog.imgix.net${el.value}?w=110`)
.then(function (resultArray) {
// Handle results array
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