I have a select with multiple columns:

select columnA,AVG(columnB),AVG(columnC),AVG(columnD),AVG(columnE)...

columnA is an Integer and all the others are Double. Here is how i initialize the GenericRawResults object:

GenericRawResults<Object[]>rawResults = dao.queryRaw(
    "SELECT columnA,AVG(columnB),AVG(columnC),AVG(columnD),AVG(columnE)...",
    new DataType[]{DataType.INTEGER,DataType.DOUBLE,DataType.DOUBLE,...});

When I run a for statement...

for(Object[] result: rawResults) {
     //some code here

I get this Exception:

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean com.j256.ormlite.stmt.SelectIterator.hasNext()' on a null object reference

Am I doing something wrong?

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