Say I have a Javascript array which contains numbers between 0 and 5. Each of the numbers is really an instruction to call a specific function. For example:

var array = [lots of data];

for(i=0; i<array.length; i++){
  if(i == 0){ function0(); };
  if(i == 1){ function1(); };
  if(i == 2){ function2(); };
  if(i == 3){ function3(); };
  if(i == 4){ function4(); };
  if(i == 5){ function5(); };

This seems like an awful lot of branching and unnecessary checks. What would be a more performance minded way to call the function?

I've thought about dynamically creating the function names using eval, but isn't there a better way?

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3 Answers3


Store the functions in the array;

var array = [function0, function1, ..., functionN];

and then just call the functions on each iteration:

for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
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  • Awesome thank you I think the answer is the simplest most readable way to go! I knew there was an obvious easy way I just overlooked – YAHsaves Jun 01 '18 at 01:58

Use an Object as a map, or use the switch statement. The former is demonstrated below.

const functionMap = {
    0: function0,
    1: function1,
    2: function2

array.foreach(i => functionMap[i]());

Alternatively, if you can know the name of the function based off of i, you can call it from the parent scope, e.g.


However, strictly speaking, manually coding in the if statements (or using a switch) may be the most performant. I doubt there will be a significant performance difference between any of them.

Jared Goguen
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    .foreach() would be more appropriate than .map() here – Jye Lewis Jun 01 '18 at 01:49
  • The 2 options you posted are great examples how I've overlooked the most simple of things! I looked up how switch works on the backend, and it's similar to if-than, however the functionMap makes a type of dictionary Hash table to compare id's to keys, making it significantly faster. However after reading all the answers I think the fastest way is to store the function in an array and access the index. – YAHsaves Jun 01 '18 at 02:05

Functions can be called as strings, so window['function' + i]() would work, and call a function. This can be very dynamic.

var array = [0, 1, 2];

function function0() { console.log('Function 0') }
function function1() { console.log('Function 1') }
function function2() { console.log('Function 2') }

for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  if (typeof window['function' + i] == 'function') {
    window['function' + i]()
Get Off My Lawn
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  • Doing this is generally not good practice, accessing global variables by string keys is difficult to track / debug & the usage of each function is not as immediately obvious. – Jye Lewis Jun 01 '18 at 04:43