
I have been reading some posts which are related to my question, whereas I have not been able to find a proper solution for what I'm trying to do hear.

I have this JSON file that I am obtaining directly from my database via a sql query:

        "scenario": "scenario-483d742c-4492-4a4f-95fa-7ccceac8bb18",
        "data": [
                "date": "2018-05-21",
                "price": 14.173041264216105
        "scenario": "scenario-483d742c-4492-4a4f-95fa-7ccceac8bb18",
        "data": [
                "date": "2018-05-22",
                "price": 42.94691197077433
        "scenario": "scenario-c705069f-fa53-4ff3-9f07-3fcbf9dc8d15",
        "data": [
                "date": "2018-05-22",
                "price": 42.94691197077433
        "scenario": "scenario-c705069f-fa53-4ff3-9f07-3fcbf9dc8d15",
        "data": [
                "date": "2018-05-22",
                "price": 42.94691197077433
        "scenario": "scenario-d58bb001-d7ed-4744-8f6c-8377519c7a99",
        "data": [
                "date": "2018-05-22",
                "price": 42.94691197077433
        "scenario": "scenario-d58bb001-d7ed-4744-8f6c-8377519c7a99",
        "data": [
                "date": "2018-05-22",
                "price": 42.94691197077433

My objectif is to be able to sort/transform this json object to a new json object which is classified by the scenario, so, something that looks like:

        "scenario": "scenario-483d742c-4492-4a4f-95fa-7ccceac8bb18",
        "data": [
                "date": "2018-05-21",
                "price": 14.173041264216105
                "date": "2018-05-22",
                "price": 42.94691197077433
        "scenario": "scenario-c705069f-fa53-4ff3-9f07-3fcbf9dc8d15",
        "data": [
                "date": "2018-05-22",
                "price": 42.94691197077433
                "date": "2018-05-22",
                "price": 42.94691197077433

        "scenario": "scenario-d58bb001-d7ed-4744-8f6c-8377519c7a99",
        "data": [
                "date": "2018-05-22",
                "price": 42.94691197077433
                "date": "2018-05-22",
                "price": 42.94691197077433

I have been trying some javascript selfmade functions but I have not obtainend the desired result. This is the last thing I've tried:

 let estructura = [];

    for (var j =0; j<obj.length; j++){
      for (var i=0; i<estructura.length; i++){
        if(obj[j]['scenario'] == estructura[i]['scenario']){
        } else {
          console.log("no match, we add the scenario to estructura")
              data: []


Thank you

1 Answers1


You can achieve this easily with built-in functions like reduce. Iterate over the input, grouping into an object indexed by scenario, creating a object with a data array if the scenario doesn't exist yet, and push to that array:

const input=[{"scenario":"scenario-483d742c-4492-4a4f-95fa-7ccceac8bb18","data":[{"date":"2018-05-21","price":14.173041264216105}]},{"scenario":"scenario-483d742c-4492-4a4f-95fa-7ccceac8bb18","data":[{"date":"2018-05-22","price":42.94691197077433}]},{"scenario":"scenario-c705069f-fa53-4ff3-9f07-3fcbf9dc8d15","data":[{"date":"2018-05-22","price":42.94691197077433}]},{"scenario":"scenario-c705069f-fa53-4ff3-9f07-3fcbf9dc8d15","data":[{"date":"2018-05-22","price":42.94691197077433}]},{"scenario":"scenario-d58bb001-d7ed-4744-8f6c-8377519c7a99","data":[{"date":"2018-05-22","price":42.94691197077433}]},{"scenario":"scenario-d58bb001-d7ed-4744-8f6c-8377519c7a99","data":[{"date":"2018-05-22","price":42.94691197077433}]}]

  Object.values(input.reduce((a, { scenario, data }) => {
    if (!a[scenario]) a[scenario] = { scenario, data: [] };
    return a;
  }, {}))
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