This is a following question to this one Join two tables with SUM and COUNT. What I try to do is to have all values displayed as some are in history table and not in rota table or vice-versa (999 and 777)

So my tables are:

create table history (
    code int(10) primary key,
    PN varchar(10) not null,
    Qty int(10) not null,
    LOC_ID int(10));

insert into history values (1,  'T1', 1, 1);
insert into history values (2,  'A1', 2,2);
insert into history values (3,  'J1', 3,3);
insert into history values (4,  'A2', 1,4);
insert into history values (5,  'J2', 2,1);
insert into history values (6,  'A3', 3,2);
insert into history values (7,  'J3', 4,3);
insert into history values (8,  'T1', 5,4);
insert into history values (9,  'A1', 1,1);
insert into history values (10, '999', 3,2);
insert into history values (11, 'J2', 4,3);
insert into history values (12, 'A1', 3,4);
insert into history values (13, 'J2', 5,1);

create table rota (
        code int(10) primary key,
    PN varchar(10) not null,
    SN varchar(10) not null,
    LOC_ID int(10));

insert into rota values (1,     'T1',   't1a',1);
insert into rota values (2,     'A1',   'a1a',2);
insert into rota values (3,     'J1',   'j1a',3);
insert into rota values (4,     'A2',   'a2a',4);
insert into rota values (5,     'J2',   'j2a',1);
insert into rota values (6,     'A3',   'a3a',2);
insert into rota values (7,     'J3',   'j3a',3);
insert into rota values (8,     '777',   't1b',4);
insert into rota values (9,     'A1',   'a1b',1);
insert into rota values (10,    'J2',   'j2b',2);
insert into rota values (11,    'J2',   'j2c',3);
insert into rota values (12,    'A1',   'a1c',4);
insert into rota values (13,    'J2',   'j2d',1);
insert into rota values (14,    'J2',   'j2e',2);
insert into rota values (15,    'J2',   'j2f',3);

create table loca (
        code1 int(10) primary key,
    LOC varchar(10) not null);

insert into loca values (1,     'AAA');
insert into loca values (2,     'BBB');
insert into loca values (3,     'CCC');
insert into loca values (4,     'DDD');

The code I have got is

select CASE WHEN a.pn IS NULL THEN b.pn ELSE a.pn  END AS PN
, a.q
, b.c 
, a.LOC_ID
, b.LOC_ID

, sum(qty) q
, h.LOC_ID
history h

group by h.pn, h.LOC_ID) a
, count(sn) c
, r.LOC_ID
rota r
group by r.pn, r.LOC_ID) b
on a.pn = b.pn WHERE a.LOC_ID = b.LOC_ID
order by a.pn;

The above code works great for all PN that are in both tables. The problem is for values that are specific to one of the tables. I can remove the WHERE clause from JOIN but it is not corect. The question is - how to get all PNs from history and rota where some of them are present i just one table. I had some luck with RIGHT JOIN but that did not cover unique values from the other table. Any one came across solution before?

Results shoud look like the following table

 PN      LOC_ID     Count   Qty
 T1        1           1    1
 A1        2           1    2
 J1        3           1    3
 A2        4           1    1
 J2        1           2    2
 A3        2           1    3
 J3        3           1    4
777        4           1    NULL
 A1        1           1    1
 J2        2           2    NULL
 J2        3           2    4
 A1        4           1    3
 J2        1           2    2
 J2        2           2    NULL
 J2        3           2    4
999        2           NULL 3
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1 Answers1


use another join and that is left and make them union

select t.PN,t.q,t.c,t.LOC_ID,t.LOC_ID_b from 
  select CASE WHEN a.pn IS NULL THEN b.pn ELSE a.pn  END AS PN
, a.q
, b.c 
, a.LOC_ID
, b.LOC_ID as LOC_ID_b

, sum(qty) q
, h.LOC_ID
history h

group by h.pn, h.LOC_ID) a
, count(sn) c
, r.LOC_ID
rota r
group by r.pn, r.LOC_ID) b
on a.pn = b.pn and a.LOC_ID = b.LOC_ID

) as t
select t2.PN,t2.q,t2.c,t2.LOC_ID,t2.LOC_ID_b from
  select CASE WHEN a.pn IS NULL THEN b.pn ELSE a.pn  END AS PN
, a.q
, b.c 
, a.LOC_ID
, b.LOC_ID as LOC_ID_b

, sum(qty) q
, h.LOC_ID
history h

group by h.pn, h.LOC_ID) a
left JOIN 
, count(sn) c
, r.LOC_ID
rota r
group by r.pn, r.LOC_ID
) b
on a.pn = b.pn and a.LOC_ID = b.LOC_ID
) t2


Zaynul Abadin Tuhin
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