
My question is i have inp=[1,52,234,65,87,57,96,0,3] and output should be output=[0,1,52,3,234,65,96,87,57]. if the last digit is the same you leave them in same order as they are on input.increasing.


how you sort integers on last digit?

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  • Possible duplicate of [Sort array of objects by string property value in JavaScript](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1129216/sort-array-of-objects-by-string-property-value-in-javascript) – ThoFin Sep 15 '18 at 04:47

3 Answers3


You can sort using a key function that calculates n%10:

sorted(inp, key=lambda n: n%10)


sorted(inp, key=(10).__rmod__)
Patrick Haugh
  • 59,226
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The last digit of a number is the remainder of division by 10:

sorted(inp, key=lambda x: x % 10)
#[0, 1, 52, 3, 234, 65, 96, 87, 57]
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You can use the sorted() built in with the keyword argument key:

sort = sorted(inp,
              key=lambda x: str(x)[-1])

This takes the value, converts it to a string to get the -1 index from it, then that value is able to be compared and sorted. You don't need to cast it back into an integer.

N Chauhan
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