solution : not using forEach with a function which need to await for. using a simple for and adding await to the funcion.

I have a mongoose schema :

const TopicSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    name: {type:String,unique:false},
    sub_topic:[{type:mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref : 'Topic'}] 

each topic may have subtopics. I want to find for a given topic all of its sub and its sub-sub topic IDs. I wrote a recursive function to search deeper every time and retrive more subs.

Data now is : A-->
                  B-->no subs

the recursive function:

  async function getSubs(ID) {
    let subs = [];
    const topic = await Topic.findById(ID);
    console.log('-------in topic', topic.name)
    if (topic.sub_topic.length == 0) {
      //stop condition-no more subs just return array with id
      return [ID];
    topic.sub_topic.forEach(function (sub) {
      subs.push(sub._id); //add current sub id to array
      var data = getSubs(sub._id)
        .then((data) => {
          subs = subs.concat(getSubs(data));
    return subs; //finally return all found subs

and this is how i invoke it :

app.get('/api/topic/subs/:id', (req, res, next) => {
let subs;
subs = getSubs(req.params.id)
  .then((subs) => {
    console.log('returned subs', subs)


the problem is the function returns the subs but not waiting for all of the recursive calls to complete their job of adding more subs. this is the output :

-------in topic A
returned subs [ 5bcb558ba68fb623e4d97ae1,
  5bcb558ca68fb623e4d97ae5 ]
-------in topic C
-------in topic B
-------in topic D
-------in topic C1
-------in topic C2
-------in topic D2
-------in topic D1
...and so on

how can i make it wait for the other calls to finish?

-Thank you!

Almog Hazan
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