
I am writing a program to delete one of the field from a tab separated input table. And I need the user to give me the position of the field which they wish to delete.

I want to keep asking for the number until it is valid so I wrote the following code (which is the code that I think caused problem):

  boolean validPos = false;
  int pos = -1;
    "Please enter the postion of the field you want to delete: ");
      //index is 1 less than the number so - 1
      pos = ask.nextInt() - 1;
    }catch(InputMismatchException imE){
      System.out.println("Please enter a valid positive integer");
    if(pos <= 0){
      System.out.println("Enter number is less than 1");
      validPos = true;

And when I entered an invalid input when it asked, it keeps on printing the same thing non-stop:

$ java DeleteField
Leave empty if you want to manually enter input
Please enter the name of input file: 
Leave empty if you want to show the output here
Please enter the name of the output file: 
Please enter the postion of the field you want to delete: q
Please enter a valid positive integer
Enter number is less than 1
Please enter the postion of the field you want to delete:     java.util.InputMismatchException
Please enter a valid positive integer
Enter number is less than 1
Please enter the postion of the field you want to delete:    java.util.InputMismatchException
Please enter a valid positive integer
Enter number is less than 1
Please enter the postion of the field you want to delete:  java.util.InputMismatchException
Please enter a valid positive integer
Enter number is less than 1
Please enter the postion of the field you want to delete:   java.util.InputMismatchException

.... and so on printing forever... It seems like the code

pos = ask.nextInt() - 1;  

did not stop and asked for an input, May I know what happened? Thanks alot

And if you want to see the full code :

//this program input a tab separated table
//and delete one of the field according to input number
//note: if input number is more than integer range it wont work

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;

public class DeleteField{
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BufferedReader reader = null;
    PrintWriter writer = null;
    Scanner ask = new Scanner(System.in);
    boolean standardInput = false;
    boolean standardOutput = false;
    File inFile = null;
    File outFile = null;

  boolean validInFile = false;
    System.out.println("Leave empty if you want to manually enter input");
    System.out.print("Please enter the name of input file: ");
    String inFileString = ask.nextLine();
    inFile = new File(inFileString);
      standardInput = validInFile = true;
    }else if(!inFile.exists()){
      System.out.println("This file does not exists, please enter again");
      validInFile = true;

  boolean validOutFile = false;
    System.out.println("Leave empty if you want to show the output here");
    System.out.print("Please enter the name of the output file: ");
    String outFileString = ask.nextLine();
    outFile = new File(outFileString);
      standardOutput = validOutFile = true;
    }else if(outFile.exists()){
      boolean validAns = false;
        System.out.print("File already exists, override it? (y/n): ");
        String ans = ask.nextLine();
          validAns = validOutFile = true;
        }else if(ans.equals("n")){
          standardOutput = validAns = true;
          System.out.println("Please supply valid answer");
      validOutFile = true;
  //The code I think with problem: 
  boolean validPos = false;
  int pos = -1;
    "Please enter the postion of the field you want to delete: ");
      pos = ask.nextInt() - 1;
    }catch(InputMismatchException imE){
      System.out.println("Please enter a valid positive integer");
    if(pos <= 0){
      System.out.println("Enter number is less than 1");
      validPos = true;

    reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile));

    writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outFile));

  String currLine;
  String res = "";//result
  boolean deleted = false;
  final String NLS = System.getProperty("line.separator");
  //read linebyline from input
  //if pos == index then skip
  //else paste each words of the line into result
  while((currLine = reader.readLine()) != null){
    String[] currLineArray = currLine.split("\t");
    for(int index = 0; index < currLineArray.length; index++){
      if(index != pos){
        res += currLineArray[index] + "\t";
      }else{//if we deleted something
        deleted = true;
    res += NLS;

  //output result
    writer.write("Note: You did not delete any field");

}catch(IllegalArgumentException illE){
  System.err.println("Error: " + illE.getMessage());
  "Please try again with argument as inFile outFile integer");
// }catch(IOException ioE){
//   System.err.println("Error: " + ioE.getMessage());
}catch(Exception e){
  System.err.println("Something unforseen happened...");
    if(reader != null) reader.close();
  }catch(IOException ioe){
    System.out.println("Error while closing file");
  }catch(Exception e){
          "Something unforeseen happened during closing file");
  if(writer != null){
      System.err.println("Something went wrong with the output");
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1 Answers1


Try using Integer.parseInt(ask.nextLine()) instead of ask.nextInt(). Scanner.nextInt method does not read the newline character when you press enter

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